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douche nozzling

A lesser included offense of cock blocking. Douche Nozzling occurs where one guy is trying to score with a girl and then another guy comes along and tries to get in her pants, i.e., vagina, like that of an actual douche nozzle. The mindset of the douche nozzler is different from that of a cock blocker, as the douche only kind of knows the other guy would have sex with the girl but has not yet made it known that he has made a "claim", so to speak.

That bro is totally douche nozzling his friend's lab partner; he wants to get all up in that vag.

by Lawyering May 15, 2015


One who nibbles on douches and/or douchebags.

A sexual movement including a woman and a man, ETC.

A complete moron/jackass, but when you get tired of calling them a "Douchebag"

A person who had a prank pulled on, but completely oblivious of it.

"That guy is such a DOUCHE-nibbler! What the hell is his problem?"

by Khengus March 5, 2009

Douche Canoe

somebody who exceeds the regulations of normal douchebaggery, thus is a douche canoe

^ emma: whats that smell?, it smells like dick!!!
^ adam: seriously dude, ur a douche canoe

by adamINTHEVAN July 14, 2011

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Referring to San Diego, CA, which is known to have a higher percentage of douche bags than most american cities.

Look at that overly tanned guy with the sole patch, I bet he's from Douche-Diego

Wow, that guy's eyebrows are penciled in, he must be the mayor of Douche-Diego.

by infamous8 June 2, 2010

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Douche licker

One who licks douches :-)

Hey, Eric!! Lick this douche (Eric "Yummmy" )

by Justin February 27, 2005

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douche juice

1) The liquid that accompanies a douche bag.
2) An alternate way to call someone a douche bag. The insulter simply implies that the insultee has consumed the douche bag liquid.

Bobby Evans: Pancake cock.
Luis: You're full of douche juice, fag.

by HugeBreasticle April 3, 2005

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concert douche

Dumbass guy who thinks his girlfriend needs to wrapped in his arms the whole time in the front row of show and gets pissed if someone in the crowd hurts her.

"That concert douche wants pussy so bad"
"this crowd is nuts what the fuck is he thinking?"
He's thinking he wants his girl in the hospital bleeding from the face.
No shit? Concert Douche!

by WhyDoYouStare? December 18, 2008

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