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1933 Jewed

The act of being "burned, roasted, gassed, and flamed" referring to the Holocaust.

Dang Timmy you just got 1933 Jewed by Eugene over there!

by EugeneAK47 June 13, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Salty Jew

A money-tight bastard that gets salty when you ask for money, as well as when gets out in competitive games

He's such a Salty Jew. He needs to learn to take it and own it

by Sptoon June 23, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jew Bagel

1. (n) A slang term used to describe someone who messes up another person's combo in a game of 13.

2. (n) A slang term used to describe someone who is an overall jerk, or douchebag (see douchebag).

"While playing 13, De'Jan played a 2 of Hearts, and Ivo, being the Jew Bagel that he is, played a Breaker."

"'Dude, don't be a Jew Bagel and Jew me out of this deal,' said Alex as he tried to get a good deal from the car dealer."

by benpizzle June 1, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

jew crew

a group of jews that hang together.. they are social outcasts and rely on each other because no one else likes them.. reason for the hatred toward them from most people is because they are cheap, stubborn and normally always slow down what people are trying to do...

saul, josh, mordecai, hiam, sean and ezekial are members of their own little jew crew

by Hot dog Bunning May 12, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

jew bag

an insult to people that r jewish and hate their life

ben and jessie are extreme jew bags

by nate-dogmhs July 11, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jews for you

when something "cheap" happens to you

many ex.
1.) playing a video game and something CHEAP, GAY, UNEXPLAINABLE, TOTALLY RANDOM, happens to you

2.) when you father is too CHEAP to buy you car, and your cousin has one and he say JEWS FOR YOU

Cousin- Yo, your baba buy you car yet?
Me- no, he CHEAP like JEW
Cousin- haha, Jews for you

by rastabinladen October 7, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jew-Jitsu - Literally the meaning of an ancient and unspeakable evil created by the nefarious Lord Guru in the days of Watanagashi. Learning this ancient art is a combination of will, dedication, and the ability to hold in a six pack of six packs. Its main focus is speed and accuracy, with a strength roll of -15 for every attack, but a bonus of +25 speed and accuracy. Hong-Wing-Jin attempted to open up a center for teaching Jew-Jitsu, but the attempt failed due to accidental...ACCIDENTAL...suicides. Watch out for those who know this art although, because it is harsher than that of a thousand pokes in the matter of .31 biolithy seconds. You have been warned.

Common sightings of Jew-Jitsu masters are extremely skinny, and can range from skin colors yellow to green, with shades of purple. Effective against toddlers, but useless against adults.

Chun: Abraham, you have been a good pupil. Now, we practice the rights of Jew-Jitsu.

Abraham: But, Master! I have not completed the late-night in-the-dark homosexual acts!

Chun: Very well then.

Marine: Hike those pants up soldier, i aint' havin' no jew-jitsu 'round my encampment!

by Terran. April 14, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž