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Sunday Yodel

Also known as the Carpathian Shriek (see 1), is when an anus has been stretched to a cavernous width and thus has an acoustic or amplifying effect for sounds, primarily vocalizations. 1 The Carpathian Shriek is the same principle but with a vaginal cavity rather than an anal one.

I heard a Sunday Yodel of a Weezer song through the walls last night.

by BenNetanyahu April 26, 2021


n. Fringe member of group who always wants his odd, often unwanted, contribution to be highlighted.


Don’t listen to Barry:; he is just a yodeller.

Is that just your opjnion or did the group agree on that?


by gnostic3 June 26, 2020

Swedish Yodel

When your lady friend sits on your face and you take a deep breath in blow a bunch of air into her cooch and it comes back at you in a queef .

Hey bro, I decided it was time to take my wife to Europe, so I surprised her with a Swedish Yodel

by Shameless Ray November 20, 2022


Yodeling has a regional definition in Northern Virginia meaning performing fellatio. There seems to be a direct connection with self-proclaimed "musician" and minor internet Lowcol, Meade Skelton.

I'm horny as hell. Are you up for some quick yodeling?

by Bakersfield Chimp August 27, 2023

Walmart Yodel Boy

White country boy who is yodeling in the middle of walmart

Walmart Yodel Boy: "Lord I love to hear her when she calls me swEEET DAAADdddy"

by $Guru April 4, 2018

Yodeling Yak

such a pro athlete and plays roblox with their hot avatar. is also best friends with the Odd Otter

“Yodeling Yak” is so cool OMG 😱

by yodeling yak herself uwu February 17, 2022

Yodelling Viking

When he lays on his back and pleases a woman with his mouth through yodelling while she holds on to the horns of his viking helmet.

I tried the yodelling viking with my girl last night. She almost broke my horns. Yooodelllaaahitiiii

by Yodelling Viking March 20, 2021