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High School

Can be known as the "Best years of their lives" for some..
but for most...total hella..and full of drama/stress and break-ups and stereotypes

Guy PrepsJocks, attend sports such as football, wreslting, baseball, they normally get the better looking girls while they have not much brains upstairs. Normally make nasty jokes about the size of their penis or how high they were the other day. Their normally tall beefy guys that all the girls drool over and are full of themselves and wouldnt be caught dead talking to someone of the lower class. Not all are like this though. listen to hip-hop and think their kinda gangster or they listen to poser alternative music.

Girl Preps These girls normally shop at abercrombie, american eagle or anchor blue. Their good looking and they sometimes put out. Some are sluts. Their mostly outgoing and are involved in leadership, student government etc. They like to party and are afraid of weed. NOrmally they walk around school with a purse, what retards. Oh and you cant forget the jeans with 10 holes in them. Listen to r&b singers and alternative rock.

Nerds They dont really give a fuck about where they fit in, they are to caught up in school and playing video games all day.

Gangsters/Mexicans/BlacksNormally hang out together, most think their hardcore gangster and like to get into fights for no reason. The girls are nasty and hate all the white chicks and want to kick all of their asses. They listen to rap/hip-hop music and hate on the white people. Gangs etc.

Punks These are the kids with the crazy hair and tight pants and van slip-ons/converse. They dont really give a fuck what people think about them and listen to music such as physcobilly/ska/punk/rockabilly. they wear leather jackets with custum designs like studs and skulls. and most are anti-government and anarchist. These kids have experiemented with shrooms/acid/e/weed and the heavey drugs. some are straight edge. They insist that "punx not dead" but it is, there is no punk bands like the ones in the 1980s

Skaters These kids hang out with the punks, wear skater shoes and shirts like emerica, dc, and band t-shirts. love to hang out at the skatepark and listen to ska/punk/metal which shoving gauges in their ears and smoke a shitload of weed. some are straight edge as well

EmoThese kids take pictures from the top of their head looking down. They normally have black/dark hair that covers their right eye. Emo boys where girl pants and 2 belts. they listen to music such as hawthorne heights/fallout boy/taking back sunday...etc. Most emos cut their wrists and spend their days and nights listening to emotional music and thinking about how horrible their life is.

Goths These kids are full of black clothing and eye makeup. Their usually very pale and wear band t-shirts. their shy and they dont talk to many people. thats why i dont kno much about them

Posers These kids wake up one day and decide oh my god! greenday? i am so into punk rock now. then they start dressing like their punks but it really just makes them look like fags because they dont kno what true punk and music really is and they think taking back sunday and greenday are punk rock.

Teachers They suck. They make less than the people at the grocerie store and they give us a shitload of homework for no fucking reason. Hisotry is useless. they make us stay in school for up to 7 hours doing useless work and getting stereotyped. yay

Student Government A group of people consisting of preps and nerds that are normally snotty.

"So..hows high school"

"It sucks, i got called a nerd today! i think ill go cut tonight"

by ughyousucknuts December 7, 2005

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High School

An institution which ends up destroying the very core of you by the time you graduate. It is not the mere fact that your workload can be a pain in the ass, or that one is shoved carelessly into a clique.

Its not about the bullying, the drama, or the mental anguish...this is to be expected for anyone. The transformation from beginning to the end of high school is unbelievable. I entered high school happy, and i didn't give a shit about the world. High School takes the world and flips it around a bit to fuck things up. Chances are, the vast majority of us, are not the elitists who breeze through the four years on a possible football scholarship and daddy's money. You find out what the real world is like.
You find out that attempts at having a relationship with the opposite sex have become so scrutinized by society and your peers that having a relationship isn't even worth it. And nobody is going to understand whatever the fuck you may be feeling, its all on your own to figure it out.
You find out that, lets face it, the majority of the world does not want you to succeed. You find out that you are a pawn in society. You find out that you're just a number, that you have little value, that you are just part of some masochistic system where the elite always rule, and, no matter how hard you try, you are still just an inconceivable spec. You find out that your life is just going to be a rehash of what happened in high school, and no matter what you try to do, there is no escape.

I have graduated high school. I am now in my first year of college. I am trying to figure out how I can get more money so my savings account passes a peon amount. I have a growing nicotine addiction because I need something to relive my stress during the day. I have come to the conclusion that I don't care if I get cancer. All relationships have ended in utter failure. I have become a misanthrope, I trust noone, thus putting a strain on future social activity. I wonder everyday why I am trying on the exterior when I'm not even trying for anybody but myself. I see my life as having little value. I have insomnia and can't sleep, and I spend my time doing things like typing out this definition for such a flawed institution. I went from a happy, carefree kid, to this, whatever you want to call me now. And the sad thing is, I have no solution to this problem. I have no solution to how our youth are turning out, nor do I have a solution on how to fix our society.

by capnslillystring October 20, 2009

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high school

A place where (in theory, for all of you super seniors) you are supposed to spend 4 years of your life and get a nice education, whether it be in academics, social, etc.

considering the 15 pages of people giving cliche definitions of "prep" and "goth" i just felt the need to say i have either missed a memo or went to a high school that wasn't actually based off of a cheesy high school movie. yeah, kids dressed into some of those categories at my old high school but there were no designated places where different stereotypes ate, and as for cliques, lottss of kids were into multiple "groups".

i dunno, maybe i went to a fairy tale high school? i just don't understand what all of the bitching was about. and drama? if you don't hang around people who are into drama...your life WON'T actually be like a wannabe episode of laguna beach, surprise surprise.

Immature High schooler: Look at the nerd in the khakis and button up shirt and glasses. Bet he's a virgin.

Person who happens to be friends with both him and the immature high schooler: Actually he's cool, we went to a Lamb of God concert last week then he helped me fix my Ipod

Shall I resort to over-used phrases?

Don't judge a book by its cover, things are never as they seem, it's always darkest before the dawn (that one refers to highschool in general, in case you are having a shitty time)

by allisonchains July 7, 2009

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high school

A little childish and stupid.

Little girl- "Hey lets play house!"

Other little girl- "No lets play high school!"

by squidkid08 September 17, 2009

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High school

A place that the government say they care about but lie because if they did they wouldn't let it be turned into a place for target practice.

I hate my high school the government do to

by User ID unknown May 13, 2018

High School

1. An experience very similar to being damned to hell, except that you are actually allowed and encouraged to leave after four years and there is a chance that you will not be on fire the entire time. Also for some strange reason that has yet to be determined, there are some moments during your time there where you actually won't hate absolutely everything.

You go into high school knowing that you will be subjecting yourself to pain and suffering and you rationalize it by telling yourself that all of that pain and suffering will be worth it by the time it is over because then you won't have to deal with it anymore. No one understands why we do this.

by hurrdurriam5yrsold May 26, 2012

High School

Four years of absolute Hell, when you live in fear of being the butt of the jokes of many assholes who believe they rule the world.

Oh poor you. Welcome to high school, the worst four years of your life.

by Sherlock-Time-traveller February 22, 2017