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Myspace Stalking

when you do research on a person via myspace.

" Hey maggie isn't andrea dating that kid from our engligh class?"
"I think we need to go home and do some myspace stalking"

by maggielivesindenver January 25, 2008

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stalk out

stΓ΄k out
1. to gather or obtain information about someone in an inorganic and often unaccepted manner, i.e. social networking sites such as Facebook.

Jill: Hey, have you met John? He's so cute.

Jenny: I haven't met him, but I saw his Facebook page. He's not my type.

Jill: Geez, you stalk out everyone before you meet them. It's a little creepy.

by Wordsmitheries January 5, 2010

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gang stalking

Gangstalking is an FBI invented term for COunter INTELligence PROgram stalking. It is designed to discredit the target. The term itself is designed to confuse and associate targets with "gangs" and not the Government. Stalking by multiple individuals promotes stress. It fits the definitions of "paranoia" according to DSM Psychiatry manual, so targets seeking help will often be admitted to Psychiatric hospitals against their will.

Gangstalking can also be carried out by rapists. What's the perfect victim? The one nobody believes. The rapists will enter the home while the target is out and add rohypnol to water bottles/food, then come back at night and rape the victim.

I'm sick of gang stalking
I hate these gang stalkers
Help! I'm being gang stalked!

by T.I.Bob November 13, 2016

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stalk the ground

Another great lyric from the greatest band ever the mars volta

Just as he hit
The ground
They lowered a tow that
Stuck in his neck to the gills
Fragments of sobiquets
Riddle me this
Flinch stitcheing
Stalk the ground
Stalk the ground

by marxvsmith July 20, 2004

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Twitter Stalking

When a girl (or boy or woman or man) follows someone on twitter and reads all of their tweets and views all of their pictures. That girl/boy/woman/man then subtweets about them, making it obvious that a crush has formed. The stalkee may or may not know who the stalker is, but that does not matter because other twitter users know, and that's all that matters.

Twitter Stalking is a real thing and affects real people. If you know someone who is a Twitter Stalker please tell them to grow a pair and talk to the stalkee or simply tell them to grow up and stop being so weird.

"I'm following this girl and daaaammm she is fine, if only I had the guts to talk to her...her posts are funny." (tweet by stalker)

"This guy keeps favoriting all my tweets and is being really #creepy I don't even know him #whodoesthat He's totes #Twitter Stalking" (tweet by stalkee)

by Anonymous4ever April 5, 2013

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Twitter Stalking

finding out that the girl you met once has been following you for months from your twitter site just so she can learn your every move so that when you do finally introduce yourself she's already prepared for marriage and kids.


a site for everyone to express their stories of twitter stalking or other stalking stories that are of the same nature

by IOYW July 18, 2009

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Short Stalk

That thing you do when you catch a glimpse of someone attractive/intriguing and then casually following them around the store or mall until they leave.

Angie: "Where did Susan go?"
Michelle: "She's short stalking that cute guy we saw when we passed the AE store."
Angie: "Not again. At least we know she won't be going anywhere with him."

Denise: "OMG! See that old thirtysomething married dude three rows over?"
Nan: "Yeah, why?"
Denise: He has been short stalking you ever since we came in the store!"
Nan: "Fuck! Now we have to bounce before I get that those pumps I wanted."

by Blue Runner May 4, 2009