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Taconic High School

a sad airport looking high school with nothing but violence and homophobia, but it's better than Pittsfield High School.

all the students do is smoke weed in the bathroom, sell drugs on campus, gossip, and bash each others' faces in.

the one thing that's cool is the chicken patties, those slap

"hey, do you go to Taconic High School?"
"-yeah, why?"

"how many fights did you see today?"

"-about 13"

"during the entire day?"
"-no, all before second period even started."

by yellowpeep October 16, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trinity High School

An overcrowed school serving Archdale and Trinity, NC where a trained chimp could make straight A's, leaving students woefully unprepared for college and wonderfully prepared for a future in food service and/or a drug treatment center.

Hey Mom, I made straight A's!

Of course you did, a trained chimp could make straight A's at Trinity High School.

by yokol January 16, 2009

65๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mendon High School

A school led by a fat man who never leaves his office unless the donut man is in the parking lot.

Mendon has jelly-filled donuts and jolly squeezed out of the students.

by Go Vikings April 22, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Freedom High School

One of the fastest growing schools in Loudoun County. Next year (2011-2012) Freedom High School will be the largest populated school in Loudoun. Everybody thinks that Freedom sucks and I mean, it's not the best place in the world, but I think that people overexaggrate. I'm a sophomore at FHS and it's really not that bad here, but there are a few major issues. 1) Everybody who moves to Freedom hates it because we're all "snobs & sluts". 2) The boys here won't go out with a girl unless she IS a slut or she's just a tease. 3) All of the boys think that the girls who aren't sluts are ugly, even though the boys here aren't exactly Jake Gyllenhaal. 4) The lax players think that they're the best things to ever walk the planet. 5) Students here always complain about how much they hate Freedom because it's so boring and stupid, but when they are asked for their oppinion or asked what to change they ignore it and don't do anything about it and then they complain about it again. 6) The boys (white, black, spanish, middle easteren, asian, indian, mixed) NEED to stop wearing their pants so low and to stop pretending that they are a ganster. Now, I realize that my list pretty much makes me sound like I also hate FHS, but I really don't. Most of the people are nice and friendly, there are some bitchs and jerks, but what people really need to do here is to open their eyes and think about someone other than themselves.

*Freedom High School Boy walks up to FHS girl wearing pants down exposing boxers*
Boy: Yo.
*Girl wants to laugh, but she thinks that the boy is cute*
Girl: Hey.
*Looks girl up and down suggestively*
Boy: I'm likin what I see, how about we go get some McDee's.
*Girl rolls eyes*
Girl: Don't you realize that we live in South Riding, VA?
*Boy walks away embarrassed*
Boy 2: Yo dawg what happened?
Boy: Man, I'm too good for her.
*Boy 2 looks at girl*
Boy 2: Man you right, she ugly.

by chris43484 March 14, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Munster high school

a school for the legit. most town are jealous because they have a good athletic team. lots of babes there too, but some cause too much drama. its easy to get f*cked there, especially your on the sports team. a lot of towns from the area look down on it because the kids supposedly acts snobby, but other towns are just mad they dont live in munster n munster kids are hostile to non residents hanging out in thier parks

Munster high school kid sees LC kid at white oak park

mhs: where are you from, i dont see you at school

lc: im from dyer

mhs: get the fuck outta my town! ( beats lc kid up)

by doctorlegit June 19, 2011

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gaither high school

the biggest drama-filled school ever where the guys are cocky or players and half the girls have slept with every guy . a place where drugs get sold every day in the middle of the fucking hall . where the teachers are scared of the students . where everyone leaves in the middle of the day and goes to taco bell till the buses come . where fights happen non-stop for stupid shit . where its so crowded you cant even get through the halls . where theres only like 6 ghetto WHITE GIRLS in the whole school and everyone knows them . where everyone skips lunch and just walks around or skips 4 , 5 , and 6 period and gets 3 lunches . where football is like the biggest thing (GO COWBOYS) . the only school with a blue crew that kicks ass . basically the kids run the place so its the best school ever !!!!

gaither high school is the shit !!!

by aquabubble November 10, 2007

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Florence High School

A high school that nobody knows about, because they are too poor to be known about. Located near Canyon City, Colorado. Every one at Florence is either a hick, a jock, or a pot head. Either way, each individual is highly judgmental and rude because they haven't experienced much different people so they think they have already seen it all. FHS is falling apart and is literally falling down a hill. The school already has a crack going down the center of their cafeteria. Eventually, all the little know it alls at this school, will be sliding down hill into the pile of shit that it was built on.

Megan: Florence High School? Isn't that in the town that smells like cows and horse shit?
Jenny: Yea, that's it. There's so many poor kids too, to make it even worse.
Megan: Haha that sucks, first no body knows about it. And now, your telling me about all these ratchet kids. That's hilarious.
Jenny: Yep, sucks to be them.

by Someone who used to go to FHS. December 3, 2012

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