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depression is something you can’t escape and makes you feel worthless and like there’s no point in life. you will have no energy to go anywhere or do anything anymore. some people take it as a seek for attention but it’s not. you can’t always tell when someone is depressed because they’ll smile and say they’re good when you ask them “how are you.” so then you don’t worry . it’s easier just to say you’re fine than explaining every little detail because you feel like they won’t understand and when you finally open up to some people they might just say you’re fine or it’ll get better. depression isn’t something to just ignore. depression makes you feel like your only option is suicide. even when people care about that person they forget and think they don’t actually care. it makes you feel uninterested in the things you used to love doing. it seems there’s no point anymore. it seems like you’re nothing and you do everything wrong. they feel like everything is there fault and they can never stop feeling that way. you always just wanna cry but you smile so people think you’re okay. it’s just easier that way.

sam - “i have depression
tom- “oh it’ll get better one day just wait

sam- “yea i guess”

by honeystars October 26, 2019


Depression is an overwhelming feeling that’s often taken lightly. It’s wanting to be happy but not being able to find a source of happiness. It’s wanting everything to be okay but never being able to see the good. It’s like falling in an endless pit. It takes away the interest for anything you loved. It make it so you question why you are alive and why people love you. Most of the time you don’t know why everything hurts. Depression is like drowning while no one can hear you crying for help. It make you feel completely alone and incapable of loving.

“Depression is a dark, endless pit that you can’t seem to escape. You just keep falling with no one knowing what’s going on.”

by Piecake11 July 30, 2021


It's a feeling of sadness and sorrow, like no one cares about you and that you can die and they won't even notice it. It sometimes leads to suicide, and sometimes subsides with simple stuff, like getting a new phone. Depression is one of the worst cases of mental issues.

"My depression is the worst possible thing. It feels like it's eating up my soul."
"I hate life. Depression and suicide is all I ever think about nowadays."

by Gacha Angel May 28, 2020


A person who is feeling sad for a long duration

Ha! That kid Will Get depression in the future

by Thegrassisgreenoutside February 8, 2020


When you finish one of Michael Shur's shows (Parks & Rec, The Office)

Dude: Im so sad I finished the office
Other Dude: Dude that means you have depression

by Michael Shur Lover September 28, 2019


My love life.

Ella- “Do you have depression?”
Bella- “Yes.”
Ella- “What’s the cause?”
Bella- “My love life.”

by @bella_acc_2802 on Instagram February 18, 2020


Depression isn’t just a feeling. It’s a mindset. It’s a lifestyle. It’s when the whole world is ending, and everything is going wrong, and you’ll never be happy again, and you can’t breathe because you’re unhappy, and you don’t matter, you’re worthless, and nobody cares. There are two solutions. You overcome it, or you suicide. You can overcome it. I believe in you. Don’t suicide. Be strong.

I’m not depressed, I’m depression

by Kyle Blueberry June 24, 2019