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The 3 trillion names of Bob the Holy

Bob, Bob the holy, Bob the great, Bob the very very great, Bob the holy Bob, Holy Bob, Holy One, O great one, Father of greatness, Essence of Wifi, First and last of THE HOLY WORLD, Father of Rob, etc.

Let us witness the 3 trillion names of Bob the holy.

by LegendaryWΓΈlf September 7, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

holy h. jumped up

Expression of surprise that my dad uses. I may have heard someone else use it.

Me: Dad, the Chinese just sent a man into space!
Dad: Holy H. jumped up!

by buggum September 19, 2005

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Pre-55 Holy Week

It is rare for some traditional Catholics to notice this. The Pre-55 Holy Week rite was changed during 1955 by angry Bugnini. The Pre-55 used Folded Chasubles on the Deacon/Subdeacon, and would be taken off for the chanting of the Epistle/Gospel. A Missa Sicca would be celebrated before the Blessing of the Palms on Palm Sunday. The Washing of Feet on Maundy Thursday used to be done after the procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Good Friday also used to make use of Incense and the prophecy readings for the Easter Vigil were 12. I could go on....

Angry Bugnini had trouble sleeping knowing that the Pre-55 Holy Week was too long and that congregation members would suffer for being at a midnight 3 hour Easter Vigil.

by Skyrim550 December 15, 2021

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

holy fucking pig shit batman

Definition 1:
A long expression used in reaction when something unbelievably crazy has just occurred / been witnessed / someone has found out about.

Definition 2:
Can also be used to describe the actions of an individual or group, who has just completed something of remarkable skill or achievement, and are worthy of comparison to Batmans skills.

Derived from the Robin β€˜The Boy Wonders’ TV show catchphrase;

β€œHoly (insert object / person / event here) Batman!!”

Example 1:

Greg: β€œI just saw two trains crash together, and everybody onboard walked off alive!”

Jake: ”Holy fucking pit shit Batman!”

Example 2:

James Bond: "I just saved the world, killed the bad guy, fucked three women, and learnt how to tap-dance all on the way back here to HQ"

M: "Holy fucking pig shit Batman!"

by Mr Captain Monkey February 7, 2012

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Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)

Holy Wood was a concept album released by Marilyn Manson in 2000 following the Columbine High School massacre and serves as their rebuttal at the accusations leveled at them. Their frontman has described it as "a declaration of war".

The record make numerous allegories to pop culture history to show how everyone had a participating role in Columbine: From Abraham Zapruder to the JFK Assassination, from the Beatles' White Album to the Charles Manson murders and from the Crucifixion to the Dead Rock Star celebrity worship phenomenon, the band left no stone unturned to give america a righteous ass-kicking.

Notable themes:

1.Guns, God and Government - rightwing America's main obsession that, arguably, fucked Klebold and Harris up more than any 'rock' or 'metal' album.

2.Celebritarianism - a word coined by Manson to describe a devotion to celebrity and celebrity culture. In the album it is a religion that canonizes dead celebrities into saints in the same way the crucifixion canonized Jesus Christ into a superstar messiah and celebrity. In effect, the crucifixion is the root cause of shit like reality TV, Jersey Shore, TMZ and Harris and Klebold's desire to become famous by murdering people.

Holy Wood was never a commercial success and received mixed reviews from music journalists who said the band's artistic pretensions overshadowed the powerful lyrical indictment contained in it. Despite this, many people view it as the band's finest hour.

Kerrang Magazine: ...There has still not been as eloquent and savage a musical attack on the media and mainstream culture as Manson achieved with Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death).

Me:If you thought what Manson said about Columbine in Michael Moore's documentary was incisive, you should see how Holy Wood throws his detractors hypocrisies right back into their faces.

by Industrial rock FTW! February 5, 2011

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Sperm of the Holy Spirit

This can also be referred to as SOHS.

This is sometimes used to explain Mary's "virginity".

Jesus was born through the help of the sperm of the Holy Spirit.

by KahFeccino February 21, 2016

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holy loller

n. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any of various religious denominations in which spiritual fervor is expressed by laughing out loud or, in some cases, merely saying "el oh el".

Person One: ...So I prayed for a while, and then Jesus gave me this brand new car he took off an unrighteous sinner! LOL!!! I love the Lord!
Person Two: Oh Person One, you're such a holy loller.

by A pseudonym March 13, 2005

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