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The person who’s reading this

Your beautiful, I’m beautiful

by The bitch that loves you October 28, 2019


Yannaëlle Duveau

-hey isn't this girl beautiful?
-duh, it's Yannaëlle we're talking about here

by Areallycaringperson December 19, 2021



Kirsi is ✨beautiful

by 2859297bdbfh September 10, 2021


It's very simple actually the meaning of Beautiful : BTS, I'm joking the meaning of beautiful is when you look in the mirror, no matter how you look you're looking at a beautiful person everytime you look in the mirror and see yourself, and the most beautiful people are beautiful in the inside the most

You're not just pretty,you're beautiful

by RandomPerson0103 April 8, 2018


The ALL in ONE most amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. She’s everything you’re looking for. In times of need you can always count on her. She’s the absolute boss. No one compares to her. Bea >>> the world.

BEAutiful is simply the most amazing person in the world!

by Dawing si April 21, 2024


beautiful is you in every single way possible your beautiful and deserve the best! :)

wow..Y/N is so..

beautiful? I know right

by youramazing<3 July 7, 2021


A person or an object defined by great beauty

"Wow, Jackie is so beautiful."

by Sizer95deOlive June 11, 2024