Damn, the simpsons nelson is a bitch, yeah, nelson is a bitch.
A female who listens and watches.
Dan: don't talk to them, they are spectator bitches.
A rare condition, in which the sufferer wretches/gags at innocuous stimuli unseen in other humans, making them unique by default
Also see: person who isn’t upper middle class enough to prescribe dietary requirements to every stranger, acquaintance and family member but still has random stomach irritation as a source of conversation
It was going so well until i said I didn’t agree with Stalinism, then she suddenly had bitch stomach
A phrase used when a person has no time or no shits to give when roasting/insulting someone, phrase usually starts with "man shut yo" from where I am.
Person 1: Shut up no one cares
Person 2: Man shut yo bitch ass dumbass motherfuckin' ass not having parents ass doesn't know how to walk properly ass bitch.
Person 1: ...
Person 2: ...
Person 1: *pulls out gun*
Sam: Hi Paul
Paul: Hello Sam how are you
Sam: I got asked out by an emo bitch
Paul: Is that a good thing or a bad thing
Sam: It is good, I heart/<3 emo bitches
1. Girls that perform an oral clense from having oral sex with men other than her significant other.
2. Woman that rinses her mouth very frequently to rid herself of the juices of shame.
Girls that perform oral sex on other guys and their boyfriend finds out. He doesnt want to kiss his girl for a while so the girl promises to rinse everyday and become a Listerine Bitch.
A divorced woman watching her ex husband live his best life with their child. Meanwhile she tries to ruin her ex's and get child's new life without her.
Damn she's really mean, what's her problem?
She lost her kid in a custody battle. Now she's a salty bitch. It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer!