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toob on you

A more polite and fun way of saying go to hell

Ref: *doesn't call a penalty*
Person: TOOB ON YOU!!

by Sunnydownn November 29, 2020

shave you raw

A shave and then a shave

shave you raw is when Jeff grows a beard and is first shaved by Nathan with a standard Bic razor. Joe then shaves Jeff so cleanly, he shines like the top of the Chrysler building.

by shaver8977 April 27, 2011

you scrambling

you don't have money or you broke

you scrambling btw this is a stl term don't steal our shi

by jays0.__ January 30, 2023

You get at me

When a man and a woman are talking and he irritates her to the point of anger

"Get the fuck on, you get at me"

by Thatbitchdnd October 12, 2020

fochak you

a version of fuck you but in a pg friendly way

"bro you wanna make out with me "

"fochak you gay bitch"

by saldium May 24, 2023

Flork You

Alien-speak for the phraseFuck You

Jack “Hey David
David “What”
Jack “I what my pants
David “Flork You!”

by Wwaattzz August 16, 2024

are you going gas wholesaling?

a nicer/newer way of asking someone "what is this nonsense/junk you are telling me here"?

person a) is NaCl the chemical formula of hydrogen sulfide?

person b): Lol. are you going gas wholesaling? didn't you study your chemistry?. you are supposed to know that NaCl is the chemical formula for bloody table salt and hydrogen sulfide, is H2S. study your high school chemistry comme du monde.

by Sexydimma February 16, 2013