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this is me if you even care

this is me btw if you even care

a meme on tiktok that i cannot stop saying.

person 1: “hey look at that dog over there”
person 2 “thats me if you even care

person 1: “look at this video”
person 2: “this is me if you even care” *points at video*

by twink_demolisher November 24, 2023

things that aren't shorter if you say the acronym

Acronyms which are made up by random people because they are not socially adept.

Person 1: Hey, wybtpsfmt?
Person 2: What does that mean.
Person 1: Would you buy that purple sweater for me tomorrow?
Person 2: Wow, that is one of the many things that aren't shorter if you say the acronym

by ishouldfinishmyhomework February 25, 2016

because it's good for you

The ultimate b**ls**t reason that someone in authority impatiently tells you to forcibly pressure you to consume/do something you detest, such as insipidly chomp through a huge bowl of oatmeal, choke down hard/sticky/bitter medicine-pills/powder/syrup, bake in the sun for extended periods, attend school/church, meet/interact with someone whom you fear/dislike, or any other acutely-disagreeable action of dubious --- and still largely unproven, in many cases --- effectiveness or benefit.

Using the age-old "because it's good for you" reasoning to convince someone to perform one or more disagreeable tasks --- especially if you cannot be totally certain that said procedure actually is indeed necessary/appropriate/effective for that particular person, and in those particular circumstances --- has always been an unwise and hurtful procedure; not only may it needlessly subject the "sufferer" to untold misery, but it also can often cause the agonized "victim" to totally turn away from and obsessively do the exact opposite of said practices/procedures (such as entirely shunning "health foods" like vegetables in favor of junk foods like chips and soda, or tempestuously refusing to hear or discuss anything even remotely alluding to religion) just as soon as he gets old enough to begin making his own decisions, and cause him to live an exceedingly unhealthy and "intellectually isolated" lifestyle. Plus it is an especially tragic mistake in current times, when there now exist so many far-more-palatable alternatives to the "basic 'n' boring" past methods of carrying out said "necessary tortures", such as using fun educational videos instead of having to tediously bury one's nose in a dusty book, or administering pleasant-flavored herbal/medicinal beverages instead of following a horridly "strict 'n' mundane" Puritan-type diet.

by QuacksO November 16, 2018

Told you so

It would be helping if you weren't a retard....

Hym "Cus it looks like the thing I said... You know how rare that is? Isn't that rare? For a teenager to develop a form of schizophrenia? Doesn't schizophrenia usually not develop until people are in their 20s?"

A fucking retard "PeOpLe ArE gRiEvInG!"

Hym "They wouldn't be grieving if you weren't a fucking retard and you did the words I said properly! I said several things that would have stopped that and you were too fucking retarded to do it right. That's what this is. You don't want to have to admit you're being a bitch about your kid and your fat cock and you being a filth slut so not with want me being right to not translate to any material gain for me... But YOU... Are a retarded bitch! So why should what you want to happen... Happen? I'M not a retarded bitch! The other guy did the words I said and the AI works now! The OTHER guy did the words I said and is a multimillionaire. YOU want you to be right in the absence of you actually being right so you can continue to be a bitch about your kids whenever you feel like it without anybody being able to say anything about it. And you're doing that because you're a retarded bitch. Stop being a retard-bitch, bitch. I did told you so. We aren't going to sit here and pretend I didn't. I was and it does. End of discussion."

by Hym Iam February 11, 2025

Right behind you

When you and your team try to go look for a spy, but you hear this phrase, and die from said spy

Alright, who’s ready to go find this spy

“Right behind you”

by Intruderalertredspyisinthebase August 20, 2024

Love you

Claiming to love someone but breaking up per message at the same moment.

Rachel did a I love you moment.

by Someone with slangs November 12, 2022

Love you

The worse version of “I love you” without the “I” the saying is meaningless. Basically like saying you don’t love someone enough to type out the whole phrase too. It hurts my soul when people say this to me. Just put the “I”. Please.

You- “I love you”
Your S/O-love you too
You*thinking*- damn that hurt

by Imma closeted lesbian 😎 April 22, 2022