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Mac OS X

Mac OS X (n.)-
The best operating system. Ever. OS X is the future of operating systems, it's clean, elegant, easy to use, and most importantly - useful. The only reason that people don't use OS X is because they are too busy using their horrible Windows XP computers. Macs can do much more than Windows could ever do. They have built-in PDF software, so you don't have to download Adobe Acrobat, there are no viruses for Mac. By the way, I forgot to mention that you'll never need AIM again, say hello to iChat, which can do much more than AIM. Microsoft Office works on OS X, better than on Windows. Updating your software is easy, just go to Software Update, conveniently located in many places. New Macs even have Photo Booth, which utilizes built-in iSight, the most advanced webcam in the world. You use an iPod, I presume. Well, it will always work better with OS X, it is made for Mac.

Person 1: I heard that he uses Windows. I bet that his computer just crashed.
Person 2: It did. I use a Mac, mine won't ever crash. I've had it for two years, I have never gotten a virus. Everything works perfectly on Mac OS X.
Person 1: Shit! My PC just crashed!
Person 2: That's what happens when you use XP.

by Phil Ryan June 6, 2006

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sexy red X

On a website, when a hotlinked image cannot be found, either because it's been deleted or the site that hosts it has become inaccessible, it will be replaced by a small white box with a red X in it. This is known as a "sexy red X".

Hottgurl69 says she posted her picture in the forum, but all I saw was a sexy red X.

by uwg May 26, 2007

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x infinity + 1

beats x infinty even though infinity means never ending.

guy1:your gay x infinity
guy2:you gay x infinity + 1
guy1:that's impossible you jackass

by btf'07' December 22, 2007

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Mac OS X

People bash windows and say it's like a 300$ virus for a reason, simply because it's true. Learn how computer OS's work and you will see.

To the idiot no7orious who wrote "Mac worshippers who think that Mac OS X is "safer" than Windows need to get their shit straight - people who create spyware and viruses naturally want to infect as many people as possible... and what computer do most people use? PC's!!! They don't want to waste their time making viruses for computers that not many people use - they focus on the majority!"

You couldn't be further from the truth. It is YOU who needs to get your shit straight and learn how OS's works and see that even if viruses and spyware were created for macs, the user would have to implement it themselves by enter the root password. You fucking idiot.

Mac OS X is a fucking amazingly stable, and learn that the way Mac's work is superior to the stupid coding that windows use. Wow so some games won't work, big deal(they have windows emulators though). I can finally customize my PC to my needs without having some fucking error message pop up and crash my machine. I can browse the internet and install and use(though techincally I'm not installing the Application, since it's stand alone) without having to worry about spyware and viruses and stupid bullshit like that.

Real computer people know that Mac's are better and just more fun to use. Even programmers know it. Everything is easier to access if you just learn to use it. Graphics are handled way easier since its openGL and a mac is a so much more powerful than any PC is. People who bash Mac's are just stupid gamer junkies who fail to see who the OS works.

With my Mac OS X I no longer have to have stupid bullshit spyware protectors and virus guards installed and running in the backround sucking up my resources. I can let my wife and kids use it without having to worry about viruses and shit. The games I play also handle much better due to open GL and I can make graphics and flash videos so much easier. Though I do own Windows(for gaming), I would take a Mac anyday over Windozes. I know how both of the OS's work. I wish game designers would see the light and program the games for MACs

Mac OS X>windows.

Don't deny the truth fanboys. You just fail to see the light.

by Proud to own a mac March 4, 2006

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tord x tom

So basically a ship for Tom and Tord from Eddsworld. TORD IS VERY, VERY HO-

Tord x Tom is a ship

by Astroq May 22, 2021

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That feeling where you are too high to do anything that requires movement, in essence you are too high to function and to this into mathematical terms you are 2^2Ζ’(x)

Man, that Gucci Kush is making me feel 2^2Ζ’(x)

by HAR3LLzzz May 20, 2011

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zack x ray

Zack x Ray is basically a ship in angels of death, if you don’t know what that is you must be brain dead,Zack x ray is the pairing of 2 characters (Rachel Gardener And Isaac Foster) this ship is the most voted ship in the anime’s and has a large population of followers on social media

Samika-Hey do you ship zack x ray
Me-Are you thicc gimp boi
-Samika calls ambulance because I had a spaz attack-

by Salsa/SammieKatty September 29, 2018

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