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Subliminal bragging

Someone who feels the need to brag about their accomplishments by using obscure ways to talk about it.

Someone who will talk about other people's failures and use their mediocre successes to talk about themselves.

Jose: I'm looking forward to you finally attempting a half ironman. I did one because I'm an amazing athlete, but you can to if you train hard

Jason: we failed together remember?

Jose: but I found an easier course, passed now I'm an ironman, I'm really amazing and you will be one day too if you work hard.

Jason: but you did a half not a full. Stop using subliminal bragging to promote yourself.

Jose: iron sharpens iron, you will understand one day if you ever finish one

by Jdavis1178 April 3, 2016

douche brag

The art of posting photos or comments to social media, often using reverse psychology, in hopes of receiving validation for your false modesty.

Girl: Hey, check out Eric posting pics of his abs again. Oh, look he commented too..."FML, I'm too fat".
Other girl: What a douche brag!

by G_Hook October 17, 2017

Victim brag

To publicly celebrate, highlight, brag about how one (or one's group) was victimized by others.

The greater the harm to the victim, the more notable the brag. The more perpetrators who did the harm, the more notable the brag.

There's john victim bragging again about how his teachers in high school wronged him by giving him tests that were too hard!

by Human Peacocking May 20, 2023

Gag Brag

Telling people you have a sore throat so you can brag about the size of the man part you had oral with...so big it causes you to gag

I know it was big...but enough of the gag brags

by Cauldron of Chaos August 21, 2016


To show of ones swagger

Yo I just bought a new outfit jewelry and kicks. Check out my brag

by Damien Phoenix May 22, 2023


To take credit where it's not due

He used to brag a lot about his family fortune

by Gggghggggghjksalp March 17, 2023

Virtue brag

Bragging that one voluntarily exercises self restraint in the face of temptation, or takes less than one can out of moral purity or other lofty sensibilities

Tom is virtue bragging about how he paid more for his new yacht because it has more efficient fuel use and doesn't pollute the environment as much.

by Human Peacocking June 6, 2023