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The chub of one's hand.. as in the muscly part of the bottom of one's palm

I'll chub the bastard- (hit one with one's chub of the hand)

by BenyB January 16, 2008

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a word that can be used in place of another word in any situation making the conversation hilarious knowing it means a semiboner.

person 1: Hey after quince practice, lets go to CHUB-IN-THE-BOX.
person 2: Nah nah nah, why not MC'CHUB? LOL lol rofl lmao lmfao baha huhahah hehe.

by polar chub December 30, 2010

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During oral sex when one party vomits up on the upon the other party

"dude she totally chubbed on me last night"

by Sane Zackett August 14, 2008

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Grub on the Chub

V. -To perform oral sex on a chubby-obese Female.

Greg: Dude... I'm not doing it.
Randy: You gotta Grub on the Chub if you want her to keep calling you back, bro.

by pynchen June 26, 2013

aqua chub

To become erect while submerged.

To pop a chub in water.

"i was dancing with this guy in pool and he popped an aqua chub"

by "wheat" September 11, 2007

chub scruff

a cute guy who is a little on the puggy side and hasn't shaved in a few days

oh baby, that is a hot chub scruff

by kristin22 August 28, 2006

packing chub

When a man gets an erection, but it does not lift up. Instead it just stays there but becomes a bit bigger and less soft than usual. That is when a man is packing chub.

"I tried to have sex with this girl, but i don't know what happened. I couldn't get it up. I was just packing chub.

by Dictionroy June 21, 2010