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Furious snake pirate

A throbbing penis that leans slightly to one side

I was with this guy last night and he had this furious snake pirate. It was horrendous

by themanwiththefurioussnake October 3, 2017

Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously

Phrase - An unnecessarily long and extremely boring speech that could have been done in less time and conveys little to no useful meaning.

Steven Pinker's Big think speach on linguistics was a real colorless green ideas sleep furiously moment.

by FoxyLady85 September 23, 2022


Fast-n-furious is a dance move recognized when an individual suddenly skates away hastily - when they are questioned about some action that they took earlier - that in retrospect now appears to have been done too fast-n-furious...

He: Can you believe that the US DOJ approved that guns be provided to foreign drug gangs - that they then used to kill Mexicans and Americans...?

She: No, but I did notice how fast-n-furious the AG left the room when he was asked about it..!

He: Do you think justice will be done to those responsible?
She: Probably depends on how fast-n-furious the folks that run the paper shredders and hard-drive erasers can re-act...

by op_position October 12, 2011

furious agreement

When two people get into a heated exchange, oblivious to the fact that they’re both saying basically the same thing - the only difference being phrasing.

The opposite of “talking past each other.”

Hold up, I think you’re in furious agreement. You’re both on the same side here, even if it doesn’t sound like it.

by robynsun May 7, 2024

Fast & Furious

A franchise where it's basically live-action Hot Wheels.

Person 1: Hey dude, wanna watch Fast & Furious where a bunch of cars are doing crazy shit.
Person 2: Aw hell yeah!

by stupidwebsite November 7, 2022