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full bladder accident

When you had a full bladder that couldn't hold anymore and made you pee yourself

(didn't really happen):I was in the pool for a while and had to pee badly and my friend talked to me for a while and my bladder was bursting my legs were crossed and when my friend stopped talking I got up to use the bathroom and made it but my bladder just couldn't hold anymore and tried to hold long enough to use the toilet but I had a full bladder accident before I could use the bathroom and my bathing suit was soaked in pool water and my pee from my bladder.

by stuffed animal lovers youtuber April 22, 2021

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full sex ass

in pronuncation seems like "full success" , but means the same via the size of the ass

- Gina became lead manager of the project
- Wow! I am suprised, she have no any degree at all!
- But she is full SEX ASS!
Gina's entering ans ask:
- What about my ass talking?
- NO,Gina, I've meant "full success"
- Ahh,))))sorryy))))

by KlausBorski October 22, 2020

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Kentucky Full House

When a dude and his bro bang a girl, her best friend and her mother.

Danger and Gerald were at Siciliano's and saw two girls and one of their mothers and commented to each other, "Who is down for a Kentucky Full House?"

by Gerald Ambers February 18, 2011

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Pulling a full Henderson

Taking lots of drugs and eating a full meal before doing something important. Pulling a half Henderson includes only one of these objectives. Think of a Jeffery, but with a steak dinner afterwards.

Holy shit he’s pulling a full Henderson before going on stage! Hope he doesn’t have a heart attack.

by Frodobuggins September 2, 2019

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Full Dick Mode

When a person that you know and like and have always had a mutual respect for, suddenly behaves as though they really dislike you and everything about you. That person is said to be in "Full Dick Mode".

Guy1: Hey man what's up? How's it hangin'?
Guy2: What do you care and why do you have to use crass phrases like that?
Guy1: Oh OK... I get it. You are in "Full Dick Mode" today.

by JoeScan April 8, 2013

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full and frank discussion

Polite term used within the UK railway industry for giving someone (usually but not exclusively another member of staff) a severe reprimand or right bollocking for something they had done wrong, even dangerous or that they had allowed to happen.

A full and frank discussion may occur in lieu of a more formal reprimand such as a Form One offence.

by Clansman April 9, 2009

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a bag full of twat

a bag full is a person who is so retarded he/she can't simply be called a twat, they have to be more agressively called a bag full of twats, or sevral twats could also be reffered to as a bag full of twats.

the chelsea team are a bag full of twats, amy whinehouse is a bag full of fucking twats

by synister gates October 6, 2008

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