An individual who spends 20 hours or more on a week playing videogames. This individual will need to have Minecraft withing their game library and play it regularly.
An overused and unfunni word that only the karens on Facebook use when they want to call out video games for the 69th time
Karen: gamers are the reason why we can't progress as a society!
Verb: Destroy something/someone in an over-the-top or funny way. Can also be used as an exclamation.
With the RE5 Stun Rod, anything within melee range is instantly G A M E R E D.
*kills a sniper with a Holy Mackerel critical hit* "Gamered."
someone who is racist and say racial slurs
that guy just randomly said the n word
he must be a gamer
A person that is not able of performing any other tasks apart from performing best at videoganes
Hey, have you met Andrew?
Yeah, we talked a bit. He said his favorite song is the Call of Duty Ww2 menu soundtrack.
Well he sure is a gamer...