Dark rubber like nipples or black nipples that can be stretched to the extreme. Or just plain ol' gross
That old beef jerky tasted like Freddy Krueger Nipples.
A mixed drink loosely based on the Shirley’s temple, made by combining equal parts of deep Eddie’s grapefruit and Fresca, topped with lemon juice and served over ice.
Damn dude Ryan gosling isn’t funny until the 5th Shirleys Nipple
This term is most commonly used to describe someone who has crippled to the...
Person 1: "Ugh! I just got a 45% on the test"
Person 2: "That sux!"
Person 1: "I feel like crippling nippling"
A hug where one hugger rubs nipples with the other's nipples. Can involve a horizontal shimmy if the huggers are approx the same height
Kara: why are you wiggling all over your boyfriend Natasha?
Natasha: because nipple hugs feel amazing!
A proportionate and lively nipple that sits beautifully while unassumingly on ones frame. The Humble Nipple exudes power, demands respect, and is both pretty and happy.
Ms. Anderson's humble nipples were just barely pressing through her tank top this morning, to the joy and acknowledgement of her 8th grade pottery class.
To Pay Homage ,To show excessive respect , To bow....
I have better things to do than tilt nipple to these arrogant Fudge Butts !
probably the weirdest shit ive ever seen in my life but id probably still fuck
tory cruse has cone nipples but i still want to fuck her