Rap Bars so hard that white people be like damn nigga that's STRAIGHT BAR!!
TREVOR- turn down the music my Granny may walk in
When you get out of the shower with a hardon and hang your wet towel from it while you shave
Ken said he used the Munson towel bar yesterday !
Dude, only if he dried off with a Kleenex!
Due to the lack of potential partners at a dead bar, everyone begins hitting on the same person, regardless if they are sexually attractive or not. (Similar to "Beer Goggles")
"What happened... Why did we stay at Pete's for so long?
"Man it was Small Bar Syndrome, that girl was not hot."
--A common term used by athletes. When one eats a power protein bar, which causes them to crap alot.
"Hey man, how was the game?"
"Well we won, but afterwards I had the power bar blues."
When your girl has to make a boo boo but you pack it and cum on the turd and it comes out super shiny like a glazed donut
I gave her a glazed chocolate bar last night and her turd hit the bed
When you fuck a girl in the ass and cum then she takes a shit and it comes out covered in cum
I was constipated but Charlie gave me a glazed chocolate bar
I. Noun- The phrase that describes the thing people do where they act proud about doing or sharing something that is really quite underwhelming and meaningless.
II. Verb- If you put your hat over a bar, you have really been seeking attention for something insignificant that nobody really cares about.
III. Word of advisory- Don't be the type of person that is associated with hat over bar. You will be seen as annoying.
Sir 1: Excuse me sir 1, what are you doing?
Sir 2: Look what I can do, it's amazing!!! *puts hat over a bar*
Sir 1: ...That was underwhelming. Next time someone shows me something they think is cool but is really lame, I'm gonna tell them they put their hat over bar.