A cunning sexual act where a sexual partner defecates into your foreskin, performs oral sex while eating and cleaning your penis
Whoa man, met this crazy girl last night, I asked her what the craziest thing she did and she told me she did the Texas mars bar
This guy is an absolute fucking loser that no one likes.
Benjamin Clif Bar is a fucking bitch ass cunt.
A man is having anal sex with someone (male or female) and ejaculates inside the ass. The recipient then squats over the giver and forces all the semen out of the anus and onto his chest. The recipient then eats the cum.
Gotta watch out for that one. He's willing to do a Cincinnati Snack Bar.
did you see the handle bar jockey pull up to the park.
Pluckers Wing Bar is the most perfected buffalo wing place ever created in the universe !! You’ll never Eat anywhere else after trying this place . It’s mouth watering, hot & spicy flavors running through your body with one single bite. Spicy lemon pepper , fried Oreo, and the Holy Mac blessed to make you feel like you’re in heaven !!
You ever been to Pluckers Wing Bar?
It’s the Best buffalo wings place in the world !!
for a white man, at a bar, to walk up to a random black/biracial/Caribbean girl and ask her for sexual favors. For a black guy to do the same to a white girl should probably be called licking vanilla ice cream.
if you are not a Don Juan,do not go grabbing a chocolate bar unless you are ready to become the girl's sugar daddy.
derived from Nazi Bar Problem, except not specifically bigotry.
A lack of moderation drives normal users away leaving a higher and higher concentration of griefers, flamers and trolls in online spaces such as video games and Discord.
I played League of Legends back in the day but the griefer bar problem really got to it