A relationship between two people who can't stand each other but remain "friends" for social expediency.
This cold war friendship on facebook is just one of hundreds. My haters love to keep me close.
The war between Technoblade and im a squid kid on who can beat the record for most potatoes formed in hypixel skyblock
Man this fight is going down like the great potato war
The Great Galactic wars were a conflict between the Reptilian/Draconian E.T's and the Lyrans, and the Galactic Federation that lasted millions of years, and ended millions of years ago. The war started because the Reptilians wanted to colonize the same planets and they encountered the feline race -Lyrans from Vega, Lyra constellation. The Reptilians wanted to enslave everyone in the Universe,Enslave Lyrans, and occupy them. But the war later became a war between the Light and the Dark, the Reptilians, supported the idea of Service to self while Lyrans-service to others. In that horrible times, many of Lyrans were brutally murdered, seperated, enslaved, but many good warriors also rose. The Reptilians were low-vibrational beings, they act like animals , make jokes about murder sometimes while fighting, and are ruled by their animalistic impulses. Throughout the war a few planets in the Lyra constellation were destroyed. Fortunely, the war ended , the Reptilians still aren't serving the light (some if them are and they rebelled) and are just neutral. Some of them are evil.
- did you fight in The Great Galactic Wars in your past life?
- Yes, I did. The war left a big mark on my soul and my personality. It's tearing me apart every day.
An age old tradition in the Canadian province of Quebec. This means of competition involves two combatants, the first competitor to shove his thumb up the other's anus is the defined victor. The provincial champion also gains the honor of being the leader of Quebec's Bloc Québécois Party.
"My father will not admit that I am a man, I will defeat him in a québécois thumb war." - Jim
"Mario Beaulieu is an idiot, I wish someone would just challenge him to a québécois thumb war already" - Jean
An elderly males saggy, dangly scrotal sack and testicles.
Granny always enjoyed polishing Grandpa's War Goggles.
All action, all star sequel to the popular black comedy 'The Great war' (later retconned to 'World War one'). Hailed as a masterpeice by critics for it's combination of epic action, gritty realism, dark comedy, international espionage and feel good ending, although some have critised the overt nationalism and stereotypical lead villian (Adolf Hitler).It also provided a springboard for new international stars such as the U.S.A, the U.S.S.R as well as providing a fitting coda for some ageing stars such as the British and French Empires.
The story starts in 1939 and continues 20 years after the previous installment finished with a powerful new Germany (dubbed 'The Nazis' in this instalment) allying itself with a few like minded countries and invading Poland.
Although the good guys ( Britian and France) attempt to halt the Reich France quickly succumbs to the bad guy, the march on Paris being the most chilling early sequence in the tale, leaving the British Empire to stand alone against the evil of the Nazis, which by now emcompasses virtually all of Europe. Although later overshadowed by the appearence of the newcomers, The U.S.A and Russia (who would both go on to become major stars in their own right) Britains war against Germany provides some great thrills including The Battle of Britain, U-Boats in the North Atlantic and The Blitzkreig, which have led many critics to call Britians portrayl of a plucky little country standing up for itself as a career best, or 'Their Finest Hour'.
The Nazis surprise assuallt on Russia and Japans equally surprising decleration of war on the U.S kicks the action into an even higher gear with the Attack on Pearl Harbour and The Seige of Stalingrad being two spectactular high points.
This sets the stage for the explosive third act which pulls out all the stops for an unforgettable finale in which the allies mount a comperhensive assault on nazi controlled Europe, the D-Day landings being the stand out scene, and the final defeat of the nazis. After this the story carries on for a few months after this with allies war on the Japanese providing a suitably explosive, although moral ambigous, ending which uses cutting edge technology to portray the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The final coda to the story sets up the inevitable sequel 'The Cold War', a espionage thriller starring the U.S.A and Russia (now renamed The U.S.S.R), plus the many lower budget spin offs including 'The Arab-Israeli Conflict', 'The Korean War', 'The Afghanistan War' and it's sequel 'Iraq/Afghanistan'.
It's been sixty years since World War 2 was released, do you think they'll ever get round to making a sequel?
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A syndrome induced upon cocky video gamers when faced with an insurmountable challenge in any given game. God of War Complex originally derives from a mildly difficult block jumping stage of the popular Playstation 2 game "God of War" where even skilled gamers could lose their cool if they repeatedly failed at completing it. God of War Complex takes its most extreme form when the gamer gives up altogether after failing to complete the given challenge. In instances such as this the game has essentially "beaten" the player and no justification or excuses can compensate for this fact. God of War Complex is often the result of a combination of not having nice thumb game, childish tendencies and a knack for making up excuses when one is unable to succeed.
-Where is Ace? I thought we were gonna play this new game...
-He couldnt beat the first level so he went home and said it was wack.
-Wow, I didn't realize how bad his God of War Complex was...
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