The day where you must kiss your significant other. I don't care where you guys are, kiss them! If you kiss them in front of friends or at school, you get double points...
Girl: *kisses SO*
SO: Aww, thanks. That was amazing. But why was it so important to be in front of all our friends?
Girl: Because it's February 14
SO: Well thanks. I loved it
Girl: Of course! I love you
February 14th is send nudes day, send this to friends or lovers and get a free pic
Boy: send nudes
Girl: no
Boy: but it’s February 14th which is “send nudes day”
Girl: oh okay
The day one dumbass called another dumbass for a whore, and thus a friendship was born.
(also valentines day which is pretty ironic, but screw that it's Ash and Matt day)
Matt: you know February 14 right?
me: oh the day I called you a whore!
Matt: ...
It’s valentines and if you don’t know what is valentines you are so stupid you ain’t even 0.01 percent of Einstein’s smartness.
Someone:Yo it’s February 14
Someone else:And?
Someone:it’s valentines dummy
"Hey bro today is February 14 I should ask Keionna out!"
"Do it bro!"
"Hey Keionna wanna go out"
"Of course!"
The people that are born on this day are most likely to be uwu (soft) girls/boys
"Hey did you see that soft girl over there?"
"Ow yea she was born on 13 February"
"Ow that explains"
If you are born on this date you are such a cutie patootie and i would do anything for ur dick in me. Jk ur actuakly an asshole
Random ass: Hey! I was born February 12 2008!!
Me: die