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A holiday celebrated on December 25th and commemorates the birth of Christ. I am posting this on Urban dictionary on Christmas to flex to people, but fail ultimately.

Fun fact: 93% of Americans celebrate Christmas.

by MelonKholy December 26, 2022


the best time of the frikn chikn year.

dont argue jesus is imporanto kids


by kylethebeetlebile November 11, 2019


the time of the year when you get free shit from your family and you put shit in a paper bag light it on fire and leave it on you shitty neighbors door step.


by Was_Hitler_A_Good_Human December 16, 2020


A wonderful holiday / yearly event on the 25th of December even though people talk about it in November... and now October apparently.

“Hey! You guys excited for Christmas?!?!!”
“Dude, shut up it’s JULY!!”

by CheesyBoi65 November 18, 2020


When and old fat man breaks into your house or something from your chimney, and leave you presents that his small children elves make and wrap, while he gets the credit. He then proceeds to steal your cookies and milk WHEN YOU COULD’VE FUCKING EATEN THEM JIM.

Patricia: “Yay! Santa brought us presents
Jim: “Well no duh, it’s Christmas 🙄”

by life.is.shit =) January 7, 2021


Christmas is a celebration where one of your cousins dresses up as a Christmas tree next to your front door and every time someone comes into the house they scream swear words at them.

Christmas is my favorite time of year.

by Millao August 14, 2021


A strange fat man that lives in unlivable climate breaks into your house through the chimney then eats your food and drinks your milk and somehow can read your mind and knows what present to give you.

"It's Christmas John!"
"Is the fat man coming?"

by violet_frogg December 2, 2020