Christmas is going in the wrong direction if it has become kissing ass to win a TV Christmas dance show competition. That's not what Christmas is about.
Christmas wasn't kissing ass to win a TV show Christmas dance competition before.
A day where the kids are acting like slave owners in the 1800s to Santa who is being treated like a cotton picker this very night. It is prophesied that he will eventually tell the kids to go fuck themselves and come to all of their houses and bring some zoophiles and tell the zoophiles that those kids are dogs. With a parents they get drunk and have gay sex with each other and eventually have an entire orgy dedicated to this day. On this day you can get drunk stoned laid or all three. Fat ass whores that dress like Mrs Claus like to twerk on people's cocks and these are random people so you bet they are to serve so they decide to hit the little b**** with a crowbar and then the b**** wakes up and rapes the man and it has a bunch of crackhead babies that try to sell people drugs it's just another day for Christmas.
"Ho ho ho kids you know what go f*** yourself"
"Hello there fellow baby want some Christmas drugs"
National Christmas day where you celebrate while opening presents
Oh look there's presents it must be christmas
Christmas is the accumulation of every special day, extraordinary feeling, and unforgettable moment. Combined, every Time you see her. It’s always on the best day, your vibe instantly peaks. And the eyes you only have for her, light up in a rare glow. She’s the most beautiful person you’ll ever know. 3 + 2 + 6.
Christmas is one of a kind. Her presence is a blessing. For real.
The best time of the year but it’s annoying when people give u shut presents
“Yasssss queen it’s Christmas”
elon musk playboi carti kanye said anti-semitic things wowzers gobble gobble santa carti dropping
christmas woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo