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Nickname for our current president, see fascist

Dang it, Dubya is not a true conservative but a republicrat! Dubya would rather kiss up to communist China rather than keep Taiwan safe from those subversive mainland China communists!

by Piranha April 20, 2006

196๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


Worst. President. EVER. Term was coined by his famous mispronunciation of his own name (George W. Bush). Makes Nixon look like a great president and Clinton look like Honest Abe. Got our once great country involved in a war over oil (he has connections with the petroleum industry), did nothing to help millions of Hurricane Katrina survivors (well he DID give the contract of rebuilding New Orleans to a bunch of his money-grubbing corrupt buddies), wants to uncostitutionally spy on americans private lives, is a staunch opponent of abortion, gay rights, stem-cell research, Islam, free speach, and liberalism, claiming that the bible is what should govern Americans (we are governed by the Bill of Rights, NOT the 10 Commandments, cuntwipe), and just being an overall neocon douchebag who wants to run America to the ground over what he believes to be the "morally right" thing to do.

Fuck Dubya, I'll take Kinky Friedman for President anyday.

by Darth Sully December 2, 2006

76๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.Some incompetent asshole.
2.The person who started this whole fucking 911 thing.
3.Would be a burger-flipper or a Tim-Tart if it weren't for his daddy's connections.

-Hey! Dubya! I said JUST CHEESE!
-*goes silent and cries in his corner cause hes an idiot*

by x-blink-a-holic-x February 24, 2005

397๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž



Definition 1: to get messed up, screwed up, intoxicated, inebriated.

Definition 2: to be responsible for an epic failure, major mistake or serious accident

Want to knock down some brews and get all dubyaed tonight?

Dude, I totally dubyaed my landing coming off that rail and broke my ankle.

The CEO pulled had to go and dubya the business plan and now we're filing for bankruptcy.

by chronicthehedgehog August 4, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


To flub or mispronounce a word.

Dubya: After the incident with Vice President Cheany shooting his friend in the face, I will hereby pass a bill which prohibits the sale of arnments to people over the age of 60 with anything short of 20 20 vision.

Vice President Cheany: You can't pass a law if your gonna Dubya a part of the legistation foo.

*proceeds to shoot the President in the face*

by Spotlight924 August 16, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Referring to George W. Bush jr; 1. A characteristic of George W. Bush jr. For example, stupid, arrogant, uninformed, slow, ect. 2. A person of a extremely stupid or dumb nature. 3. An extremely right wing republican

Many people considered Tom a Dubya, especially when he went into rants about how America should "nuke the fuck" out of poor and troubling countries, like Iraq, Afgahnistan, Pakistan, North Korea, and others.

by K Novak January 29, 2005

310๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its the pronunciation of the letter "W" (DUB-uhl-yoo) South of the Mason-Dixon line.

Just ask any Texan whut the farst letter in W A R is...."Dubya, and Ayn for Nucular"

by CunningLinguist January 3, 2005

107๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž