Guy 1: hey dude have you seen the new horror movie
Guy 2: yeah dude it stars kevin mutch as the ghost
Clutch that mutch is a gamer only joke. It was commonly used to piss people off. No one knows entirely what it means but it’s very funny to say so who cares tbh
“Alfie Clutch that mutch” said CakeBoy
A name that describes a dirty shit kicking family that shud be avoided at all costs
Have U heard of Marty Mutch ? Yea his that woman hating racist loser . Oh yeah his part of that derelict Mutch family . What a fkn loser
it meens ur cop mode is way too much! tone it down a bit buddy.... you're not a copper . . . dot dot dot
bruh! dont cop too mutch!
Cody looks at Matthew Mutch and says, "What a fucking jew."