A term used to refer to individuals who possess "normal" or typical intelligence, generally within an IQ range of 80-110. Sometimes used by self-actualized individuals to refer those who are not yet self-actualized. Can be used as a pejorative, in place of "stupid" or "lacking high functioning neurological processes".
"I don't understand why neurotypicals blindly follow government propaganda!"
"That guy is so neurotypical, he can't even do basic algebra."
"Physics and other pure and applied sciences are generally very difficult subjects for neurotypicals to understand."
62๐ 221๐
A bullshit buzzword used by self-diagonosed autistics to imply that anyone who doesn't suffer from their condition has had an easy life and thus has no right to complain about anything. Often shortened to "NT".
Your posts shows a complete lack of empathy, you're obviously a Neurotypical trolling us.
59๐ 293๐
Neurotypical is the opposite of neurodivergent- it means someone who does not have a neuro-developmental disorder such as autism spectrum disorder or ADHD. This word is commonly misused by people on tumblr who are misinformed and believe that it refers to people who dont have a mental illness, rather than people without a neuro-developmental disorder.
Peter is a neurotypical person with OCD.
21๐ 8๐
1.A disorder where "suffers" have nothing at all in common with each other - all "syptoms" are normal personality traits that everyone has at least one of.
2. Like a lot of "Mental Illnesses", this one has been discovered/invented in the last 10 years or so.
Don't get me wrong, a real mental illnes is a horrible thing to have. By a real one, I mean something like Paranoid Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder. However, more "Mental Illnesses" have been discovered/invented in the last 15 years than in the last 1000.
This is because of society's growing complacency towards high-energy snack products, caffeine-containing drinks, and idiotic television propaganda telling you what you should eat and drink and buy and do. As a result of this complacency, many people in society (especially children, as they are more susceptible to this sort of treatment) are now acting a lot differently to how people acted several decades ago.
As a result of this change in personality, more and more "Mental Illnesses" are being discovered/invented every year. Neurotypicality is just another case of corporate-paid doctors inventing a syndrome. Why? So that parents can have an excuse as to why their kids behave so bad, instead of just admitting that their children have been subjected to too much of society's propaganda.
Neurotypicality: you don't have it, you're just badly-behaved.
((I don't really have an example for the word neurotypicality))
And before anyone clicks that little thumbs down button, just stop and think. Don't like the way I'm describing neurotypicals?
It's the same way that's been used to describe those on the autistic spectrum.
Just think about that point before rating this definition.
106๐ 72๐
Normal, therefore having a normal mind, mental condition, etc, typically without any mental illnesses, an autistic's attempt to be like everyone else.
Neurotypical people are not the pseudonormal people with brightly coloured weird hats, nor should they be, a normal neurotypical person doesn't get defensive when someone badmouths them or their actions, they toughen up because they're not hypersensitive. Neurotypical people don't do the stupid things the non-normal autistics do.
4๐ 31๐
Neurotypical syndrome (a.k.a. NT,also known as arrogant mob syndrome, or Microsoft Windows Syndrome) is a life-long and serious mental disorder affecting people everywhere. Symptoms include inflated ego, mob formation, readiness to follow idiots, and possibly the formation of a large goiter. Persons afflicted with this disorder should be referred to as persons with Neurotypical syndrome, persons with NT or persons who have NT. Though it seems that most persons with NT would prefer to be referred to as neurotypicals, NTs or even normals, nobody cares about their opinions.
Although Neurotypical Syndrome is a serious, lifelong mental condition, persons with NT can live happy, long, successful lives with the help of therapy, provided that the therapist is an aspie or autistic. Through many sessions, they may overcome some of their many debilitating handicaps and become more akin to an autistic. In a few cases, NTs have been rumored to have reached near the level of an aspie, but said claims have not been confirmed...........This explains why autistic people have more intelligence than neurotypicals. Neurotypicals are dumber and stupid. So glad.
65๐ 6๐
Also known as a non-autistic person i.e. a person who doesn't have autism. Neurotypical syndrome has a high prevalence in the population, to the extent it is often considered normal. Hence, the inclusion of the term 'typical' in the naming of the syndrome.
Neurotypical syndrome has been defined by Steve Silberman as a neurobiological disorder characterised by preoccupation with social concerns, delusions of superiority, and obsession with conformity. There is no known cure.
Chris drinks beer because Big Terry drinks it, even though Chris doesn't like the taste of beer. This appears to be symptom of neurotypical syndrome.
44๐ 4๐