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Beetus Zebra

1.Something bad that always is looming over you, like it or not (Can be anything, not only the beetus.) , A sinking bad feeling, a pessimist.

1:Wow I know i am going to fail this test!
2: Don't let that Beetus Zebra get at you!


1: Wow (Name) is a real Beetus Zebra!

by BeetusMaster July 24, 2011

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dia-beetus, also known as "the beetis" is infact not a unique strain of marijuana, but rather the reference to Wilford Brimley's bumblefuck speech impediment, and inability to pronounce the word diabetes. After Wilford Brimley's day-view on liberty medical commercials, "the beetis" spread like an std in a bro-infested frat house over the continental United States. Dia-beetus quickly became a youtube sensation, providing such hits as "rock me diabeetus" and "the funky diabeetus". The Billy Mays of yesteryear, Wilford Brimley's walrus like mustache and comforting hand motions will forever live on in the commercial brakes of late night television, and more importantly in the hearts of the American people.

Man, so fuckin' bummed, i heard kimbo slice may retire because he has dia-beetus, beetus, beetus, dia-dia beeetus.

by theshirtbeforetheshirt August 18, 2010

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beetus punch

A blow so hard directed toward ones pancreas, that the end result is the development of type 1 diabetes. A beetus punch shouldn't be given if your victim is pregnant or nursing, due to the chance they already have gestational diabetes, or if they have heart disease, high blood pressure, or any amputations... because it is pointless to try and give someone diabetes if they already have diabetes.

I successfully gave someone a beetus punch yesterday, and today they had to schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist.

by zackaryn September 10, 2010

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diabetes of the eyes
a condition caused by an overload of eyecandy.

-"He's hot."
-"Yeah he's givin' me eye-a-beetus!"

by izzyyt July 26, 2010

Corn Beetus

Also known as: F.U.P.A (fat upper pubic area) But this version is NASTIER... Corn Beetus is a fat upper pubic area full of celluite .... nasty chuncky fat (also may be plagued by lesions and boils)

Beware you may loose your eye site if you look directly at one...

House bound 400 pound lady eating chicken on her couch... pubic area hidden under her "corn beetus"

by Master of Knowledge July 20, 2012

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yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus

yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus is a sentence made by ozeye optis

yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus yeetus beetus can i sniff your feetus

by ozeye optips June 12, 2020

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When a diabetic sleeps hard as fuck and won’t shut off their alarms

Yeah that mf beetus-sleepin’ his alarms woke me up before they woke him up!

by diabetes man February 26, 2021