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Target is a place where the LODS dont care about team members and fire you for no apparent reason other than listening to rumors that are not true and if you dont obey their every command shame on you!! they promise you hours then screw with your schedule and write you up for talking too much on the walkie? wow also the cafe/pizza hut express is a joke all departments keep a communication log aka. bitch fest basically the team leader tells the team they are worthless in this book " why did you do that" or " am i the only one who does anything?"

I worked at Target for nearly 2 years and was terminated for apparently giving food away. and eating behind the counter of the food court. well first of all I never gave anything away and second they fired like a dozen people on the same day, for stupid reasons Target Sucks! and if you dont work there you dont want to.. AMEN!

by coffee101 February 10, 2010

63👍 13👎


If you live in the U.S.A., there is a good chance you know what "target" is. Target is a store that robs teenagers through the ages of 16 and 18 of their free time that could be used on what they want to do. Target also does not care about employee-well-being. They don't give a flying fuck if your sick, No No, your already on the schedule. we would not want to anger another employee to cover your shift because your sick. I happen to work at target, and let me tell you...it sucks. People have a hissy fit and shit their pants when you put chips on top and bread on the bottom. and that mother fucking red card is pushed on all customers. Yes not guest, CUSTOMERS! Just do your self a good favor, Do not sign the employee contract, you are practically selling your soul to the devil doing so.

Joey: Hey bob, i heard you got a job at target!

Bob: Yeah i did, and it sucks ass! we are forced to call people "guests"

Joey: How is that so ba...

Bob: BECAUSE, The last time i checked, Target is a grocery store, not a fucking hotel. Do you see people sleeping in the coolers and dressing rooms?

Joey: Bu...


Joey: *Shocked* But i helped you get a job there!

Bob: Fuck you and target, you suck up. go be the managers bitch!

by Screwthaman1265 March 26, 2011

43👍 8👎


A company where the bitchy "guests" are treated like gods and the hard working "leaders" are treated like shit. (Like a religious cult. "Leaders".)
When you work at Target you must understand that breaks are 15 minutes, not 14 minutes.
Honestly, it's common sense.
You must also understand that there is NO overtime.

Target employee: Hurhurhur I'm so cool I work in the games department and get to hold the keys that unlock the Wii games!!!!
Ex Target employee: You've been brainwashed by Satan's... err I mean Target's shittiness.

by JonasBrothersAreMyLifeSTFU August 25, 2009

30👍 5👎


A convention for lululemon wearing basic white girls. After school, basic white girls will all gather up and meet up at target so that they can hangout and spend an hour and a half messing around in target. They’ll gather in groups of 2-6 and will do “crackhead” activities that include getting Starbucks, messing around the store laughing their heads off, and recording themselves on Snapchat doing cringeworthy stuff calling themselves “crackheads 🤪”. They’ll then go home in their daddy’s Jeep Wrangler blasting Morgan Wallen or Luke Combs and will go to Chick-fil-A before they go home just to repeat the same thing tomorrow.

Emily: Let’s go to target Bestie!

Sarah: I’ll go if we can get Starbucks before and Chick-fil-A afterwards.
Emily: Okay queen

by Chad Chett January 30, 2022

12👍 2👎


A place that prides itself in being better than Wal-Mart when in actuality, it may be worse. It's a cult. At your orientation, they make you watch a 45 minute anti-Union spiel because the Union would only let you do your job, instead of making you juggle 10 tasks at a time. They have stupid Target speak. Not only do they insist on calling managers "team leads" and non-managerial employees "team members" they insist on abbreviating it to "TL" or "TM." In fact, everything has a stupid abbreviation and you never know what the hell one of your "TL"'s is talking about when they say, "Meet the GSTL at TSE." It's not enough to be a polite and competent employee to your customers. You must push Target credit or debit cards on them and talk to them about their purchases. For all you "guests" who think Target is somehow more ethical or upscale than Wal-Mart, wake up! They pay minimum wage, never really give full-time, don't give employees benefits, and all that crap in the Dollar Zone is made in some sweat shop in China. And you aren't getting some great deal from the Dollar Zone either! It's cheap, useless, plastic crap you didn't need or even really want.

I just went to Target and spent $120 on items from the Dollar Zone. Now I have 40 Star Wars To-Do lists, 40 Hello Kitty pens that don't write, and 40 Superman tumblers that are made with a grade of plastic known to be carcinogenic. When I made the purchase the cashier wouldn't stop trying to push a Target credit card on me. Then her boss pulled her to the side, said it was time for a "team huddle" and yelled at her in a bunch of abbreviations and told her she wasn't "fast, fun, and friendly" for not successfully selling me, the "guest," the card.

by redkhakinightmare October 10, 2010

47👍 10👎


worst place to work at, if your in highschool. Even worse if your over 25 and are a team member not an LOD or teamlead. You get treated like shit an pushed to work long hours while being expected to finish 10 hours of work in 4. Everyone says its "Fast,Fun,and Friendly" when its really "Gay, Boring, and Pointless" cause you can never finish and the store always looks like shit. You get written up/ talked to for calling off because of actually being sick or a emergency. NEVER make friends here cause everyone is an asshole and just want you to work. LOD's make you do their work and you get yelled at for not finishing it. After a year of hard ass rape and sucking dick, you realize that you wanna quit and fuck everyone over just like they did to you. Oh and team members who go back to target when not working just to "shop" and actually just go to see their "friends" and chill are dumb fucking assholes, seriously you got nothing better to do? You complain about being there yet you go back there like a dirty fucking dog when not working.

Target sucks, everyone is an asshole. I know this cause I work there. Fuck target and their "Fast, Fun, Friendly" policy. Also "guests" are dumb asses, look for the item first then ask me, or try reading the big fucking signs above your head.

by target "team member" employee June 11, 2009

126👍 34👎


Target has High Quality items for th customers, but its Hell for the employees. Now they have this fricken machine there that a customer or "guest" presses and it pages you and you have to be there in 30 seconds. I was on lunch break and I went to subway to eat and they paged me and I didn't make it back in time and so they give you this little red target post it thing that says what we need to improve on. i aldso got 10 bucks off my paycheck for that. As soon as Im done savng 1000 Im getting out of that hell hole.

Oh wow now I work at target. Goody goody.

by Mika Johnson December 20, 2005

116👍 31👎