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1) To be overwhelmed with responsiblity.
2) To contain an enormous amount of pressure.
3) To emphasize meaning.
4) What women cause.

1. "Aw fuzjit, i have so much damn homework to do!"
2. "The pillars cant handle much more stress sir!"
3. "I cant stress the importance of this enough!"
4. "Ahhhh!"

by ReZeroX November 16, 2003

484๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


its a california slang term which defines a type of weed that is so shitty it causes "stress". the slang originated from the outskirts of southern californian beaches which was passed along until it reached the main cities. many tourists come to CA looking for bomb ass chronic, or chron, but end up with stress because they don't understand CA slang.

Person A: Dude i bought this bomb ass chronic for a tight ass price from a dude that's in my Bio class dude...
Person B: What the fuck are u talkin' about dude... that shit's haggard as fuck... look at it!
Person A: ur right dude it looks shitty... it's not even furry and fluffy dude.. what should i do dude
Person B: it's ur fault.. dude.. u bought stress u fucking idiot

Tourist: hi im from Canada!
Cali pothead dude: that's chill...
Tourist: u got weed, eh?
Cali pothead dude: maybe..... what u lookin for dude.. i mite got what u need
Tourist: im looking for something that might help my "stress"
Cali pothead dude: so ur looking for stress?
Tourist: ??? yeah yeah wutever dude yeah ???
Cali pothead dude: haha 25 bucks a gram dude
Tourist: wut the fuck this is shitty!!!!!
Cali pothead dude: ur face is haggard

by aznsnoozer3 September 1, 2005

186๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mental block that clouds your brain when people piss the fuck out of you, and all you can think about is beating the living soul outta them. When you eat sooo much you undergo a transformation of becoming FATT, yes, big belly fat, and u start having amnesia about the normal duties of life like showering.

A good scenario would be going to a fucked up school with fucked up people, and when you dont get enough time to study you have to stress about pretending to be sick or actually GETTING urself sick so you dont have to go to school the next day.


Guy who Threw Crap: Here! Let me throw another one at you!!!!!


The Guy unfortunately gets beaten up reallll good!
what can i say? stress some1 out like that and this is whatcha get!!

by IMSTRESSED February 5, 2009

83๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


Swag, B.S. weed

Stay away from that stress

by L- Frame October 10, 2003

252๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


Math. School. Life. Everything has stress and there is no escaping it, no matter what you do.

Sorry, sucker. Stress is not something you can escape.

by Cinashio May 21, 2018


Stress: (V) When you want strangle the living shit out of some ass hole who probably deserves it.

I feel like taking my stress out on John.

by Socomsnake April 10, 2006

116๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


I feeling of depression or sadness. A way of holding in all of your emotions.

Emma: "ughhh I'm so stressed!"
Lucas: "want to talk?"

Emma: "No I'm fine."

by may minion April 7, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž