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To express suprise, much like ohmygawd. Formed by combining "oh", "my", and "jesus". This is the illigitamate son of ohmygawd who will reincarnate later or somthing.

Spackerdave: "Ohmygawd, we forgot to do the math homework! AND I JUST BROKE MY LEG"
ReZ: "ohmyjesus"

by ReZeroX November 18, 2003

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Name of the character in the popular machinima series "Red vs Blue" which is based on the antics of the Red and Blue teams in Blood Gulch, Halo.

"Private Donut reporting sir!"

by ReZeroX November 13, 2003

98πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


1) To be overwhelmed with responsiblity.
2) To contain an enormous amount of pressure.
3) To emphasize meaning.
4) What women cause.

1. "Aw fuzjit, i have so much damn homework to do!"
2. "The pillars cant handle much more stress sir!"
3. "I cant stress the importance of this enough!"
4. "Ahhhh!"

by ReZeroX November 16, 2003

484πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž


To lernt new things.

"Phonicks dun good for mee, im edjumacated!"

by ReZeroX November 18, 2003

41πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


To express suprise. It is the combination of "Oh", "My" and "God" to form an incoherant word. Usually used online since saying it outloud does not hold the same meaning, because people cant tell you meshed the words together.

Spackerdave: Dude, i just f*cked your mom.
ReZ: ohmygawd

by ReZeroX November 17, 2003

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Sound effect caused when blades emerge from Wolverine.

Wolverine: Hey bub, why dont you just back off..."

by ReZeroX November 13, 2003

687πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


The act of getting hit in ones junk by a corn cob. The cob has been preferably nommed however an untouched cob is acceptable as well.

"Dude you just got corn-cocked!"

by ReZeroX June 23, 2008

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž