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Contraction of the phrase 'are you in?'
Congruent response to this question is 'Min'

- 'Yin?'
- 'Min!'

- We're all going to the Christmas market for a few drinks, yin?

by Frodus Bonobus November 13, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A combination of You and all / ya'll, widely used in Pennsylvania.

Are yin's still coming over to eat today?

by Pyroalphamale March 10, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name usually given to girls. The name means 'in the shade' and it originated from China. It is pronounced as YEEN. In Chinese and Asian philosophy, yin is the opposing, yet complementary, dark force of yang. The concept of Yin Yang translates to "dark and light".

Bob: Whose that?
Mary: Yin
Bob: what?
Mary: its a Chinese name, pronounced 'YEEN' and means in the shade.
Bob: thats very cool!

by joemamainurbasement October 19, 2020


A yin is someone who hates musical theater in all of its forms and will go out of their way to shit on it.

I was trying to listen to Hamilton, but Steven got so pissed he cut off the WiFi, never knew he was such a yin.

by Sen. M June 18, 2020


Yin is a very good friend. A friend that is loyal and sweet, faithful and also funny. She's everything anyone would want as best friend.

"Everyone at least needs a Yin in their life" "Yin will show up at least once in your life" "Thank you for being my Yin"

by mammothsah November 23, 2021


A variation of the word you all, you, yous guys, and y'all. It is also used widely in the south.

When are yins-a-coming to see us down nywa?

by Carter SN October 2, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang for Young. Can be used to greet someone you dont know or dont like.

Yo,Whats up yin?

Yo yin you best step off unless you want to get Shoe stole.

by FURG March 11, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž