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Brown noser

A kiss ass who sucks up to a person in authority to rise through the ranks faster then his peers and his boss

Did you hear about Tosh's promotion?

Man, what a brown noser.

by T... T... April 12, 2008

138πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Brown Noser

Someone who sucks up to their boss or teacher in order to recieve a promotion or better grades

Guy 1: Those four girls are kissing up to the teacher so bad!

Guy 2: I know, they are known as "The Brown Nosers"

by tittyfuck69 May 8, 2009

128πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

brown noser

Someone who kisses/licks a person's arse (and so gets a brown nose)

verb: That Julian is a real brown noser
adj: I've got to do some brown nosing with the boss

by IanM September 14, 2003

112πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

brown noser

A person who acts favorably to his or her peers to gain stasis or fancy that will eventually be used to their advantage. Such as a raise, promotion, or acceptance in a group. Usually brown nosers will do anything to gain the approval of their person of choice. These people can also be described as losers because they can’t work for what they want, instead they play dirty and butter-up the boss/teacher/peer into getting what they want. Another word for this person is a shoe shiner or a rough translation of brown noser in Spanish is, an eye licker.

"Alvita immediately replied to Annette message, she is such a chamcha and a brown noser"

by Abdul Azziz August 24, 2015

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


(Br-ou-n no-z-r)
Someone that is always sticking their nose into other peoples buisness. A drama queen.

The woman ran out of friends because she had a bad habbit of being a brown-noser.

by Batterybob September 25, 2018

Brown Noser

The act of attempting to get on someone’s good side by trying to please them in one way or another. This person will stop at nothing including licking of the actual butt hole (hence the name brown noser)

Alex always called in, and was a bi-polar POS at the work place. He was such a brown noser to Christian (the boss) to make himself look like he was a valuable asset to the business. You could see the shit dripping off his mouth.

by December 15, 2020

Given'er the Brown Noser

When you have your girl on her hands and knees. Then you proceed to eat her pussy from behind. Getting your face and nose deep in her ass.

I woke up this morning with ass juice on my nose. That's the last time I will be given'er the Brown Noser.

by Gooey Lewy May 3, 2019

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž