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Climate Change

Something that exists and is a problem, but it will not cause the world to end, even though some people are stupid enough to say such garbage.

While Climate Change significantly alters temperatures, it's not even just a weather issue, it's also a health issue.

by PhoenixGamer34 November 2, 2022

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Climate change

This will affect every single human being living on this planet. Please understand that we can’t just say thank u, next and leave it to the next generation!

Climate change will kill us in around 12 years time...we need to change this or you’ll soon be telling everyone your goodbyes

by buteralovhes May 23, 2019

91πŸ‘ 11500πŸ‘Ž

Climate Change

Refers to the increase of the earth's temperature in the atmosphere. Climate change is formerly known as "global warming". Climate change is caused by fossil fuels, oil, and coal being burned out and pumped out by factories and cars into the air. Other causes of climate change are deforestation and plastic garbage disposal in oceans. As consequences of climate change, sea level rise, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and famines are creating chaos to earth's biodiversity. Not to mention more species are being wiped off from the face of the earth in the 6th Mass Extinction and humans will be the next to become obsolete, similar to what happened to the dinosaurs about 65 million years earlier. Humans are the main contributors to climate change. Once the earth becomes extremely hot and toxic to inhabit, it will enter into another Ice Age to cool itself. Some ice will melt along with air and water purging themselves of carbon dioxide to stabilize earth back to normal temperature. The earth will recover from climate change in millions of years later, but most of the biodiversity will not.

Many humans are pathetic wastes of space and they are devastating lives for innocent species on this planet, so they deserve to choke on poisonous air, to starve to death from killing so many animals for food, and to perish from dehydration via depleting fresh water, which mostly comes from ice caps and rivers. The younger generation, who is now protesting to stop climate change, will hold a grudge against the older generation. If humans want to prevent a continuous strengthened climate change from occurring within 10 years or so, humans should cease using fossil fuels, oil, and coal in favor of green energy, such as solar, wind, and water, stop cutting down trees to spare more food for animals living in forests, reduce intake of animal meat consumption to eat more vegetables like the Buddhists do, recycle more plastic objects, cease on throwing away abundant fresh food and water, and use less technology to spend more time with people in the real-world. In effect, we will be able to live long enough to colonize Mars and other planets before the sun engulfs the earth to destroy it in billions of years later, except that we will mess up those planets in a similar fashion as on earth....

by TheUnknown21 February 21, 2020

20πŸ‘ 1784πŸ‘Ž

ClImAtE ChAnGe

Its gotten so hotter outdoors, don't you think? I think the Earth may be actually burning up. I'm convinced (hoping) that all of humanity dies next year because I'm a miserable leftist who hates life (especially children).

Hey dipshits, climate changes EVERY YEAR! Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer are actual seasons. Oh, is this your first time learning about seasons, libtard? You deserve a cookie. Thanks for your effort, you get an 100% on your test!

Person 1: Its 100Β° out today.

Person 2: Climate change.

Person 1: Our climate changes every year.

by Skyrim550 August 4, 2022

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Climate change

Good. It's a good thing. Hopefully it is as apocalyptic as dumb hippy liberals like to say it is and I get to watch them and their fuck trophies die.

Climate change is going to kill our kids!!!

Ok.... And what do I get for saving your kids lives?

We need to move past petty selfishness!

In exchange for what?

To save the world!

So, nothing. You want me to save the world for nothing? Because selfishness is bad?


And in what way do you contribute to my life that would make me want to go the for you? Is it positively or negatively?

I don't know.

It's negatively. Obviously. So, YOU'RE, the selfish one. You want to compell me to keep you alive and safe for nothing? I don't care if we all die. After I'm dead all of your lives are meaningless. So, how about this: for every one time you suck my dick; I will recycle a single item.

I'm not going to do that!

Well, then you don't care as much about the planet and the lives of your kids as you pretend to, now, do you?

by Hym Iam November 21, 2020

6220πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Climate change

A trend that people are getting more arrogant, to the point they think they now have full control of the weather, and they think humans were the major factor in events like the Ice age. There is no lesson from a storm, it's simply nature (nature has no assigned sex male or female, neither does a storm, the names come from humans) showing people again and again that it can wipe out anything humans (whether they were male or female) ever created. Some people would call that God in an attempt to explain it, others would try to explain it with science, but really it's simple enough that it doesn't really need any explanation.

Climate change is an attempt by humans to claim that they have nature under control, and that if nature is out of their control, it is because they made it that way. It's not just male humans that have that kind of arrogance, it's all humans. The good news is at least it's killing us in large numbers. If any species deserves to suffer in large numbers, it is humans.

by The Original Agahnim August 31, 2021

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Personal Climate Change

An unwelcome smell made by a person.

"Sorry! Personal climate change!" said the guy after he let one in the elevator. "Silent but deadly."

by Mr. Lyle July 18, 2013