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Energetic rape

Taking advantage of someone through mental manipulation, the side-effect of being around individuals that “are given an inch and take a mile,” or immaturely expect others to parent them

I felt energetically raped after he overstayed his welcome at my home

You won’t take no for an answer this is energetic rape!

by Hercules2 June 11, 2023

Energetic Moose Obsticles

A person who cuts themselves who you catapult into the woods to hope they get stepped on by a moose on CRACK COCAINE who FUKS UR COUCH.

Stands for emo.

Khiel: I hate life cuz i plai wow/gw. (//_;)
Finneh: OMFGTFO? *Catapults into woods*
Khiel: wtf. ;.;


by Finneh October 11, 2007

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Energetic cuddling


You're in the act and your kid walks in and you have to explain that you were "just cuddling with lots of energy" don't worry Timmy, it's just energetic cuddling.

by John's dope nuts August 19, 2024

Energetic disassembly

Take something apart in very short order usually reducing said thing to fragments, by use of large quantities of energy often provided by rapid oxidation.

To paraphrase Nick Harper: Upon involuntary receipt of ordnance equipment resulting in energetic disassembly from friendly fire, Johnny is terminally inconvenienced and rendered non-viable.

by Sochist May 31, 2018