Source Code


1. STD-infected female genitals.

Don't screw her...that bitch got a firewall.

by CNJACL September 10, 2010

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A burning sensation at the end of your penis that prevents pissing

Dude I had to go piss last night but I had a firewall

by musclecarboy247 September 12, 2011

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Either a tool used to protect your computer from outside invaders, or a complete jackass who pretends to be a programmer in just about every language other than Visual Basic. Makes himself feel better by creating false definitions of people with a higher capacity of thinking than his own. Tends to think that Windows, despite it being the most popular Operating System in the world, is a horrible platform to dev for (as if it would matter for him).
Uses strange misspellings of words in order to seem cool, but it does the opposite.

"FireWall (Unknown@CAUniversity.Freelance.us) has left #DigitalUnderground (ooo0ooo, a FireWall just blocked your biznitch ass. What cha going to do biznitch?)"

by Faero August 17, 2004

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A secret stash of blow that someone hid so that later in the night when everyone is out of coke you still have a little firewall as a bonus that no one knew about.

"We are out of lines" "Nope I have a firewall."

by Spyda503 December 29, 2011

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Netgear Firewall

A gay ass firewall that won't let you go to websites such as MySpace, Facebook, ect. It also blocks websites that show naked ladies. It is also hard to disable.

Bob: Hey Jack, lets look at some naked ladies!
Jack: We can't because of my Netgear Firewall.

by TheWindSoldier April 11, 2010

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Russian firewall

a drink composed of vodka, clear tequila, and sprite/mountain dew. Best mixed in an empty waterbottle. Packs one hell of a kick.

Woah, this is some damn good Russian firewall, where the hell'd you get the vodka from?

by The Gooche January 15, 2006

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Great FireWall

the Great FireWall of China
a strong censorship system that bans the Chinese Communist Party's intranet users from accessing to the Internet so that the party can prevent its own shameful secrets from spreading to the world.
The Great FireWall of China was installed in 2002, the first year of the Digital Revolution.

Type "election" into the G00913 search box and then click on the G00913 Search bottom. The Great FireWall of China will display the search result below.

The keyword cannot be found.
The keyword you are looking for is currently unavailable.

by Abajian September 1, 2005

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