Source Code


the genetically written aparation of sexual prowess that shall be given to 1 chosen child per generation to ensure are species lives on througth sexual reproduction.

origin; said to of been passed down through an obscure blood line started by Zeus, the font genome has been partially found in such famous people as, Fidel Castro (Cuban President), Wilt Chamberlain (basketball star) and Charlie Sheen (actor), the font gene is said to be responsible for the birth on 1 in 1,000000 births.

'THE FONT unleashed' = having sexual relations with every woman in a 5 mile radius.

by the font March 6, 2011

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When you type words with malicious intent.

Are you joking or fonting me right now Targ.

by iDenzilla January 4, 2015

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Fontes is a hyspanic surname originating from Portugal and means "source" or "spring". A Fontes is a cool and funny person. Fontes are hardworking, intelligent people that can solve their way out of anything. They can achieve anything they put their minds to and also are super creative and appreciate the arts but are also very logical. They have some dumb sense of humour (for example puns), but it's really cute. Fontes' are rad.

What's her surname?

Oh, shes probably cool then.

by Yojoehowsitgoin October 4, 2019

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"FONTE" represents a REAL MAN with genuine self confidence and true masculinity. He is a man confident in his own mind and abilities who has a clear vision of his life goals. He possesses a natural self assuredness that makes him stand out head and shoulders above other men.

He has the strength of character to be his own man in the world and always manages to stay true to himself. He focuses on being the best version of himself and leads by example to those around him. His loyalty runs deep and he surounds himself with like minded people who share his vision.

Women can sense his presence because he is a man who knows who and what he is and is secure enough to just be himself with an inner confidence that requires no status symbols.

A creative hunger and thirst for knowledge paired with an entrepreneurial spirit make SUCCESS the only possible outcome when FONTE is by your side!
"He's a real man, he's FONTE... "


by Ottowins TheLotto June 22, 2019

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A faggot who runs the dictatorship the Berrystead

Fonte is a faggot

by Gillington March 13, 2019

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When taking notes digitally (on a tablet or computer, duh!), one becomes excessively focused on fiddling with the font or perfecting the page layout, almost always resulting in a lack of attention to the actual content of the subject being studied. Fonting produces visually appealing class notes but a lack of real comprehension of those notes.

Are you sure your fonting is not coming at the expense of your comprehension?

The less you font, the more you focus;

Excessive fonting leads to excessive ignorance;
The more you font, the less you know;

The more you font, the prettier your words ! (and pretty words are really useful, right? NOT!!)

by ืžืจื–ื™ February 11, 2015

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sarcastic font

A phrase that indicates that you have made or will make a point using sarcasm.

"He said all of Europe was collapsing and the Euro would be gone tomorrow, so in my sarcastic font I told him to call CNN and let them know right away."

"Dang, I missed Rush Limbaugh today, so now who am I going to get all my opinions from?" she said using her sarcastic font.

by h20kj May 6, 2010

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