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GameFAQs Message Boards

Let's start with a basic description of the GameFAQs Message Boards and the moderators. The mods are basically like a certain group in history that tried to kill anyone that they did not like. I will put these guys into simple catergories for easier reading.

Users - These guys could either be the civilians that snitch on people in hiding for cash(which, in this case, is karma)or these guys could be the short-lived rebellion. Within the rebellion group, we have the sub-catergories. We've got the defensive ones that don't do anything unless they are provoked into doing so and then you've got the offensive guys, who will try to strike first. The defensive guys are basically the users that usually do good enough to not get any moderations, but when they get a moderation for something silly, that's when they cuss out people, thus resulting in more heat from the mods. The offensive guys, are the guys that intentionally get themselves modded, as a symbol of defiance. Most of these guys are the trolls(who are explained later) and the account suiciders. These guys, ironically, are the only reason to even step near the message boards. They are so entertaining, that even the suckiest troll/account suicide topics are hilarious in some way.

Then you've got the snitches. The guys that are the "I never do anything wrong!" type of guys. They mark messages here and there, thinking that they are doing anything of significance. These guys have hopes of becoming moderators(as weird as that may sound) and they believe that by getting on a mod's good side, they will eventually be raised up to moderator level. One benefit that these guys have is that they DO get on a mod's good side by doing this, and therefore, are banned less than the regular users. By regular users, I basically mean people who post a "Help Me!" topic once every two weeks.

Mods - "The Green Police" as they call it. These guys are responsible for everything, yet nothing. What I mean is that they do all the work, but truthfully, they are not the masterminds behind it. These guys are the most unforgiving bastards you will ever see, and I'm including real-life, too. If these guys don't agree with your opinion, your post is considered trolling. One user has even gotten warned because his sig separator wasn't the default GameFaqs one. If these guys don't understand how your topic is on-topic, they'll simply mark it as "Off-Topic." Posting a telephone number for a phone company is considered harassment. These guys can ban you for ANYTHING. They will even go as far as to create a temporary rule that you 'coincidentally' broke at the same moment this rule was created. Topics with pornography in it last about half an hour, but anything mentioning how abusive the mods are gets deleted within the first 5 seconds of its lifespan. Remember, there is nothing in the rules that says you can't have an opinion against moderators. It IS against the rules to post porn, and as a matter of fact, it is one of the worst weapons to be used by account suiciders. Apparently, talking about how corrupted the mods are is considered "Trolling: Inciting Other Users to Post With Flames." It seems that everytime one of these topics come up, the only users offended by it are the mods themselves. When you try to contest a moderation, the response you get most of the time will be "It was a ToS violation" with no further explanation. Now, if you have a mod that's experiencing a period, that's another story. Banned right away.

Adminstrators - Finally, we've got the Nazi leader himself(or themselves, in this case). They do nothing but sit on their fat asses waiting for a mod to give them a user's contest. These guys are rarely known for any direct engaging, and are more strategic. They give out orders to the mods, which is basically a one liner that says "Eliminate them all." The mods give them a contest, and because Mod Joey and Admin Frank are pals, Frank takes Joey word for it. They don't read the responses. This makes the contest system absolutely worthless. And the message it has above the box where you post your contest, "However, because two mods agreed that it was a moderation, you most likely won't get it restored."After you contest it for the admin, and he disagrees with you (or disregards the fact that you even typed anything) there's no more hope left. You're finished, and you can't do another contest for....no not 3 days, no not a week, no, not even a month, but THREE MONTHS. It's a pretty stupid penalty for having a different viewpoint from the admin, who grinds on the mod's dicks anyway. At this point, you should just say 'Fuck GameFaqs' and the leave the site. Of course, there's one group of people that will make you stay.

Trolls - Ironically, it's these guys that keep you on the website. These are the guys that generally push people away from GameFaqs, but these guys also rope in much more than the amount that they made leave. These guys are clever, funny, and believe it or not, intelligent(for the most part). These guys are not aligned with either the users or moderators. These are just crazy guys that unintentionally piss of the mods and all of GameFaq's moderators. Their hilariousness will keep you coming back to GameFaqs. These guys are the general target of the GameFaq's staff.

The Mods and the GameFAQs Message Boards suck balls!!!

by Jovonnie Williams January 19, 2008

65πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs Message Boards

Hell in the Internet form. A place where people go to post pointless character polls, stories about their uninteresting lives, song lyrics, emo poems, argue about overrated games, emote stupidities, and generally be an all around idiot. Half of the users there don’t even understand the function of the shift key. The few people that are actually sane, original, and witty are always silenced by the power-hungry moderators.

The GameFAQs message boards brainwash their users with some crazy pretend currency system called "Karma" and "Marked Message Accuracy" (MMA). It’s a shame that people can be so easily tricked by imaginary suck-up points.

β€œReading the GameFAQs message boards makes me cry.”

β€œGameFAQs message boards? More like LameFAQs message boards. olololol!

by Sub Tank November 10, 2004

549πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs message boards

The heroin of the internet, bad, but so addicting. Full of pervs, trolls, suck-ups and general assholes.

Standard GameFAQs topic:

Poster 1: Guys, I neede your help. My parents are in hospital, and I feel bad that I wasn't there for them.
Poster 3: lolwtf ur agnstie u shud lissn 2 NFG n cut ur wrizts 2 Gud Charlett!!!111
Poster 4: OMG U MISSPELL'D 1 WURD GO AWEY U TORLL!!111111!!!1
Poster 5: This message was deleted at the request of a Moderator or Administrator
Poster 6: gawd ur suech a troell WTF?!111
Poster 7: did u seckz em in ohspitel??!?!?!//11
Poster 8: ur paerentz desirv 2 dye cuz tehy made u OLOLOLLLOLLOLO!!!11
Poster 1: Um, OK, you guys reading this should learn that asking for serious advice on GameFAQs would be the biggest mistake you'll ever make in your life.

by VCK June 17, 2005

110πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs Message Boards

Yeah. It's basically hell in internet form. GameFAQs Moderators suspend you for voicing your opinion. The dictator, CJayC, is an asshole who can't even create an original "Poll of the Day" and ends up recycling them like paper. The gaming boards are runned down with fanboys and trolls, while the social boards are just full of immature fags. Please. Save yourself time and your life by never going here.

GameFAQs is the work of Satan and an asshole named CJayC.

by Justin H. April 29, 2005

96πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs Message Boards

As if the fact that people utterly cheat by using GameFAQs isn't bad enough, they also have this Internet "forum" run down by a community full of many different kinds of people, but I will run down the list: grammar whores, grammar whores, nerds, losers, over-excited losers, pervs, Nintendo fanboys, people who act like GameFAQs is life, and smart and funny people, but we'll ignore those for now, because they're always ignored by the legions of people who use "1337" common Internet lingo that is supposed to boosts' one's low self esteem, and are marked by people who are sucks ups and whose dreams it is to become a fucking moderator in life.

Okay, and while usually it runs fairly smoothly like this, whenever one posts a topic, you usually get sucky responses. Normally, when people don't know the answers to questions one asks, they just say "Oh, look, you spelled going wrong, hahahah," or "nice grammar, dude." Hah, faggots.

Next up is the people who are pervs: normally, when someone posts something, some sick joke about boobs, vaginas, penises, etc. will come into play by nerds, and sometimes they aren't even funny. The nerds and losers use 1337, and it is apparently to boost their "cool points." Worst of all, they always are goody-goodies who don't break the ToS and are always posting things like "lol *steals ur cookie on your b-day THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO NOW! MUAHAHAHAH! *slaps u hahahah I win* They're such retards, and I wonder if they do hat in real life. Oh wait, these same people are depressed and go to the Internet to boost up their courage.

Now, there are no such things as opinions on Satan's Asshole, err, GayFAGs. I don't get why people argue and insult each other on something as trivial as a fuckin game. Especially Nintendo fanboys, who don't let anyone say anything about their precious Metroid being boring or their Mario sucking, because they will say you can go shove your head up your ass if they think you're insulting Nintendo's "wisdom" of thousands of ports. People will patrol the site until you say that Zelda is the best series. They will also play a game day to night and think about every little thing and find out every non-relevant thing.

And, boy, the moderators, the people who supposedly "help the site" but not only destroy it, but destroy their lives in the process. Now, they will always moderate you for everything like being very funny and they love ruining funny jokes. You will get modded for just voicing your opinion, or saying something besides little immature pretend parties and whatnot, or being very funny, or if they are losing an embarrassing argument. Social stuff is a no no, and even topics related to the game are apparently off-topic. And they think they're clever and are God. Eat my ass, okay, so I said that some kid's mom is beaten daily, does that warrant a ban? You can supposedly contest this, but the moderators will never change their minds. Flawed system. On top of it, people who want to become a mod in life mark everything they see, even if it's funny.

And the karma system is so suckie. Anyone who doesn't have over 1000 karma is thought of as someone who has a bad opinion, and knows nothing. Basically,you get it for logging in once a day, so some person on a 900 account with sucky comebacks is instantly more fun than a cool person of 20 karma, because obviously it measures intelligence.

So, there's nothing good at all about GayFAGs. Everything has some sort of loophole and makes the site feel exploited. The most important part is the community, but most are dumbasses who are seeking depression cure. The end. Never ever go there. EVER. Unless you want people who will badly influence you and make you obsessed with games and GameFAQs.

An average day on the GameFAQs Message Boards:

Poster 1: Wow, os how did my birthday come so fast?
Poster 2: Err, you spelled so wrong.
Poster 3: Because you touch yourself at night.
Poster 4: *gives you cookies and throws party*
Poster 5: *steals cookies*
Poster 6: whhhaaaat who cares, you're a newbie.
Poster 7: You should get a Nintendo system ONLY.
Poster 8: \/\/0\/\/ Y0U 4R3 s0000 1337
Poster 9: Happy birthday!
Poster 10: Can't we get something better around these boards than someone's fuckin birthday?

*poster 10 is then modded because he was voicing his opinion*

by Measles March 27, 2007

49πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs Message Boards

The only forum I've been to that penalizes you for your opinion and rewards you for doing nothing. The base system of the message boards is inherently flawed. On the message boards, everytime you log in, you'll get a karma point. Karma points are points that basically help you level up your account. Simple, right? It gets worse.

Where on most message boards, as soon as you sign-up, you get basic features such as the ability to search for topics, or post as much as you want per day, or the ability to mark other people's topics, you can't do any of this right from the get-go. In order for you to post as decently as you would on any other message board, you must first level up your account. That means you must continually log-onto your account for about 3 months before you can have the same amount of features that you would get on a normal message board within the first day. The worst part of the basic system is that there is NO way to gain extra karma. You only earn it after you log-on the next day. You can't gain it by submitting video game reviews, guides and walkthroughs, or by submitting any other contributions to the site. You are literally stuck getting 1 karma per day. This is basically the staff of GameFAQs saying that "We don't give two shits about your contributions to the site, we only want more visitors per day."

As if that wasn't bad enough, you can lose karma points for literally anything you say or do. This makes trying to get basic posting features a pain in the ass. Voicing your opinion is intolerable, and you will be modded immediately. This is because the moderators are either inept, stupid, fanboyish, corrupt, or any combination of the four. Say how disappointed you are in Nintendo on the Wii board? Nope, you're trolling. How about saying that you like Majora's Mask more than Ocarina of Time on the OoT board? You're trolling. What about saying how overrated you think Halo 3 is on the 360 board or the Halo boards? You're most certainly trolling. Some of the penalties for these so-called 'violations' are absolutely ridiculous. For example, getting your account banned because you posted a picture of a girl who had a nipslip where 1/64th of a nipple was actually showing, even though showing the area of boobage around the nipple is perfectly acceptable.

So in a nutshell, you gain ONE karma per day, and one wrong post can take off anywhere from 3 to 10 karma. But it gets even worse.

The moderators can't even decide on what's tolerable and what's not. This is the worst part of the moderators. Several users will get away with certain stuff, and as soon as you do the same, you will get moderated. The other users' posts will still be there for several weeks. When you contest a moderation, they even make a note of saying that mentioning how other people did it and got away with it is not an excuse. Maybe if they actually did their job instead of deciding when and when not to moderate somebody, they wouldn't even need to put that as a note.

Now, admittedly, upon signing up, very few people bother to read the ToS. People expect it to be the same cookie cutter "Don't post bad things!" type of things you see in the ToS for other forums. However, after you get moderated repeatedly, you will think to actually look back at the ToS to see if there's anything you missed. You will see that even the ToS is flawed. Half of the things you can get moderated for aren't even mentioned in the ToS. You will also see that it is just full of loopholes, in the form of manipulating statements such as "this includes but is not limited to..." in their favor. They add new violations to their list everyday, but it never appears in the ToS.

And finallly, the users. The morons have a lot of karma points, and intelligent users have very little. And your opinion will also be belitted because of your low karma. Both the moderators and the users seem to think their opinion is fact.

Please, do not visit GameFAQs. It's nothing more than aggravation after aggravation. If you're looking for a decent video game forum, don't go here at all.

"If you respect your freedom and intelligence, do not go to the GameFAQs message boards. It's where freedom is destroyed and intelligence is relinquished. "

by rico567 July 31, 2009

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs Message Boards

As if the fact that people utterly cheat by using GameFAQs isn't bad enough, they also have this Internet "forum" run down by a community full of many different kinds of people, but I will run down the list: grammar whores, grammar whores, nerds, losers, over-excited losers, pervs, Nintendo fanboys, people who act like GameFAQs is life, and smart and funny people, but we'll ignore those for now, because they're always ignored by the legions of people who use "1337" common Internet lingo that is supposed to boosts' one's low self esteem, and are marked by people who are sucks ups and whose dreams it is to become a fucking moderator in life.

Okay, and while usually it runs fairly smoothly like this, whenever one posts a topic, you usually get sucky responses. Normally, when people don't know the answers to questions one asks, they just say "Oh, look, you spelled going wrong, hahahah," or "nice grammar, dude." Hah, faggots.

Next up is the people who are pervs: normally, when someone posts something, some sick joke about boobs, vaginas, penises, etc. will come into play by nerds, and sometimes they aren't even funny. The nerds and losers use 1337, and it is apparently to boost their "cool points." Worst of all, they always are goody-goodies who don't break the ToS and are always posting things like "lol *steals ur cookie on your b-day THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO NOW! MUAHAHAHAH! *slaps u hahahah I win* They're such retards, and I wonder if they do hat in real life. Oh wait, these same people are depressed and go to the Internet to boost up their courage.

Now, there are no such things as opinions on Satan's Asshole, err, GayFAGs. I don't get why people argue and insult each other on something as trivial as a fuckin game. Especially Nintendo fanboys, who don't let anyone say anything about their precious Metroid being boring or their Mario sucking, because they will say you can go shove your head up your ass if they think you're insulting Nintendo's "wisdom" of thousands of ports. People will patrol the site until you say that Zelda is the best series. They will also play a game day to night and think about every little thing and find out every non-relevant thing.

And, boy, the moderators, the people who supposedly "help the site" but not only destroy it, but destroy their lives in the process. Now, they will always moderate you for everything like being very funny and they love ruining funny jokes. You will get modded for just voicing your opinion, or saying something besides little immature pretend parties and whatnot, or being very funny, or if they are losing an embarrassing argument. Social stuff is a no no, and even topics related to the game are apparently off-topic. And they think they're clever and are God. Eat my ass, okay, so I said that some kid's mom is beaten daily, does that warrant a ban? You can supposedly contest this, but the moderators will never change their minds. Flawed system. On top of it, people who want to become a mod in life mark everything they see, even if it's funny.

And the karma system is so suckie. Anyone who doesn't have over 1000 karma is thought of as someone who has a bad opinion, and knows nothing. Basically,you get it for logging in once a day, so some person on a 900 account with sucky comebacks is instantly more fun than a cool person of 20 karma, because obviously it measures intelligence.

So, there's nothing good at all about GayFAGs. Everything has some sort of loophole and makes the site feel exploited. The most important part is the community, but most are dumbasses who are seeking depression cure. The end. Never ever go there. EVER. Unless you want people who will badly influence you and make you obsessed with games and GameFAQs.

An average day on the GameFAQs Message Boards:

Poster 1: Wow, os how did my birthday come so fast?
Poster 2: Err, you spelled so wrong.
Poster 3: Because you touch yourself at night.
Poster 4: *gives you cookies and throws party*
Poster 5: *steals cookies*
Poster 6: whhhaaaat who cares, you're a newbie.
Poster 7: You should get a Nintendo system ONLY.
Poster 8: \/\/0\/\/ Y0U 4R3 s0000 1337
Poster 9: Happy birthday!
Poster 10: Can't we get something better around these boards than someone's fuckin birthday?

*poster 10 is then modded because he was voicing his opinion*

by Measles March 27, 2007

20πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž