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A hanger is a latcher, a person who latches on almost shadow like. Always after a free ride.

"He’s a bad hanger"
"I wish that hanger would fuck off"

by Pabzs April 1, 2008

34πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A hanger-on is someone who hangs on to a celebrity is either no longer relevant and are in the purgatory or relevance and irrelevance. A hanger on has something to gain by hanging out to the has-been celebrity. A hanger-on is a pejorative meant to belittle and degrade someone who is clasping on to a barely relevant celeb to increase their measly social status and career.

The only people left in Chris Brown's crew are hanger-on types.

by SmokerisnoJoker July 23, 2017

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The disgusting fat lump of belly that hangs out of a husky hawaiians shirt.

Looks like bob is wearing a belly shirt today because I can see his hanger from here!

by Bootyhoe October 30, 2015


A plastic, metal, or wooden device used to hang clothing articles on in a closet.

I put my shirt on a hanger in the closet.

by The_Sentinal March 11, 2009

33πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A turd that hangs from your ass while taking a shit

I got a hanger and had to wipe more than usual.

by FinWonga March 11, 2016

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


When u have a peice of snot hanging from the inside of ur nose where it is completely visable.

"Hey Mike u got a hanger."
"Oh! thanks for telling me."

by Izzo_Foshizo January 10, 2006

38πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Getting head in a library or in your car in a library parking lot.

Dave- Josh's sister just gave me a hanger while studying for my History exam.
Tim- Nice!
Josh- What the fuck!

by notyou22 April 18, 2010

32πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž