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Mitsubishi‘s suck. I’m sorry but they are just the worst. I can’t be bothered by them in 2021. They have never lived up to their names and I don’t find many people that are fans of them. And their vehicles have a feeling of cheapness to them.

That pile of crap car on the side of the road is a Mitsubishi

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker January 25, 2021

4👍 2👎


The Real premier Japanese automaker. Less expensive but better looking, more comfortable, and more reliable than Honda or Toyota.

by Da Dude October 18, 2003

60👍 78👎


a Japanese car company founded by Yataro Iwasaki; started in 1870

"The MITSUBISHI evo VII is mah baby"

by go2sleep bia September 25, 2003

30👍 47👎


1. A Japanese auto maker.
2. A Japanese electronics company.

I don't like Mitsubishi's cars, but their electronics are excellent in quality!

by johnsmith July 9, 2003

30👍 50👎


A company who threw their reputation down the drain when they practically stopped making electronics and concentrated on shitty cars.

All my Mitsubishi TVs are very old yet work flawlessly.

by Rod Beauvex March 6, 2004

31👍 65👎


A Japanese car company 33% owned by DaimlerChrysler, but now swimming in debt because of poor decisions made by Mitsubishi. Ugly, poor quality cars that were targeted toward boy racers but now sit on rental lots or sell with huge rebates. In 2004, Mitsubishi lost $4.3 billion dollars, and the future outlook isn't very bright. They were recently accused of a scandal of hiding quality defects, in turn destroying the company's already poor image and killing the resale value of the cars. They currently rank near the bottom for long-term quality in the JD Powers survey. The company will more than likely be out of the US market by the end of the decade.

Better stick to TV's next time, guys.

by trucru82 January 27, 2005

23👍 65👎

A Mitsubishi

Verb. A process where a car manufacturer stops making the interesting/exciting models it was known for, they will then typically replace them all with a range of anonymous looking electric SUVs.

Doing A Mitsubishi will often result in any positive associations the brand may have had in the past getting forgotten by the general public

PERSON A - " I hear that Jaguar are going to stop making sports models and replace them with electric SUVs by the end of the decade."

PERSON B - "Wow, sounds like they're pulling A Mitsubishi"

by Complete_Twit February 23, 2021

1👍 1👎