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When you promise someone something and deliver the complete opposite.

Looks like the used car salesman obammed you with that piece of junk.

by vick_dagina January 25, 2017


1.One who gives a speech with no meaning.
2.The ability to generate heat with no light.

Left wing voter: Wow! That was some speech; I almost wet my pants half way through it.
Right wing voter: What speech? That was the worst case of Obamism I've heard this year. All I heard was 40 minutes of buzzing in my ears.
Left wing voter: F*** you!
Right wing voter: F*** you back!

by H3adcas3 May 26, 2008

78πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Ignorant hick persons enunciation of Obama.

Gat daggit Joe, Obamer is trying to stop this good country from prospering. We were doing so well under Bush. I don't understand how he won?

by mandengho December 4, 2009

42πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


When a Black person tells lies while using a Whilte dialect.

Obamics - "We will have a completely transparent government"

by Dr Jazz February 6, 2010

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The practice of stating that anyone who doesn't agree with you has some secret sinister motivation, such as being a Nazi, a racist, or a terrorist.

Joe publicly advocated lower taxes, so he was the victim of Obamism.

by mistermystery October 14, 2009

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


To make a profile avatar of oneself in a color scheme akin to US President Obama's famous campaign Posters. Made even more prolific of late by the deluge of Obama style Twitter Avatar's out. There are even websites that do this online.

Have you Obamized our Twitter profile picture yet?

by Sanuly June 13, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The religion of Obama (one who worships is called an Obamist).

Non-Obamist: β€œHey man, want to go biking with me?”

Obamist: Nah, sorry fam, I’m an Obamism; my mom signed me up for Obamism camp.”

Non-Obamist: β€œIt’s fine, totally get it bruh, have fun.”

by obamaworshipper18 December 13, 2019

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