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A super popular slang term for needles that drug users use to inject their drugs with.

Hey, I really need to get a fix, got any clean rigs?

by TwiggyK September 17, 2006

326πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž


An adjective most commonly used to enlighten fellow male acquaintances that a woman with outstanding breast or derrière is within the vicinity.

Often shouted or spoken loud enough to make sure every male within the area can be made aware of the spectacular sight.

Freddy: RIGS!

Jonny: Where, where?!

Freddy: 2 o'clock, walking past the bus stop...

Jonny: Offt! Great shout mate

by YeahJord February 7, 2013

312πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


1. A truck. Usually a big truck, or a commercial truck with the trailer unattached. But it can refer to ANY vehicle.
This word is extrememly common in Northern Cali.
2. It can also mean to fix something haphazardly. As in Jimmy-rig.

1."The four wheel drive on my rig is broken"
"Go hop in the rig, it's time to go!"
2. "The hose was broken so we rigged it with tape."

by tynblina August 2, 2007

207πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


unfair or fucked up in some sort of way that just makes you feel that someone or something is fucking around with you

1.dude, that's fucking rigged, i shot im like 4 times with the sniper rifle and he didnt fucking die.

2.My computer's rigged, it keeps crashing when I open a web page

by Carne Estrada February 13, 2009

221πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


Your computer. You built it yourself (because you're not a dumbass who wastes money), opening the case, screwing in the mobo, attaching the GPU, CPU, RAM, Power Supply, what have you, you install an operating system of your choice and you care for it over the years. You upgrade its GPU every know and then, and ocassionally its CPU/motherboard. The contents of the case may change, but in the end it's still your rig, albeit with some new tricks.

In the boxes above, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.rig

by Rod_Jonse June 15, 2013

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a computer. the word is commonly used by DIY computer geeks or hardcore computer gamers

dude check out the new rig i just built

by the guy July 25, 2004

917πŸ‘ 464πŸ‘Ž


Fixing something so it is to your advantage

Person 1:
The CoopCrowd rigged that video again, didn't they?

Person 2:
Of course they did.

by Laura the CoopCrowdian March 28, 2013

125πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž