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Cleveland Smarty-Pants

When a guy wears a tinfoil diaper coated with Smarties Candies. Once he fills the diaper it is then licked clean by the girl giving her a taste sensation of both delicious sweetness and lip-puckering sour. This is very popular with the "in-the-know" in Europe and with real-esate professionals.

1. She was acting like a baby so I showed her who her daddy was with a Cleveland Smarty-Pants.

2. My bitch went to the food court the other day but nothing tasted as sweet or as sour as the Cleveland Smarty-Pants I gave her last weekend.

by Maaatt123 January 31, 2008

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Mr. Smarty Pants

Somebody who is pretty smart. You normally copy off this dude in class and pick on him occasionally. But at the end of the day, he knows he's needed to copy off of.

Mr. Smarty Pants just pooped his pants again.
Time to copy off of Mr. Smarty Pants.

by shinyhinter November 16, 2016

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Miss Smarty Pants

One who talks about longitude and latitude.

"well aren't you miss smarty pants, talking about longitude and latitude"

by antonia666 March 20, 2005

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smarty barby pants

The definition of some people that is smart but when they call you smarty, you call them back this.

-the smart human being- Hey smarty
-normal human being- shut up smarty barby pants.

by dskjndU December 31, 2022

smartie pants

n. Delicious but fragile trousers. Good for hikers and snackers.


I wish there were more smartie pants in the closet at the chess club.

Oh, it’s pretty crowded in there already.

by gnostic3 October 7, 2020