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snake oil salesman

Any salesman from the greater Sacramento area that sells:
A: thinge that don't exist
B: things they don't have or
C: trailer parts

God damn I hate that George, he sure is a snake oil salesman

by i hate liars February 2, 2007

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trouser snake oil

Any product claiming to extend or expand the penis, produce longer lasting or firmer erections, or increase ejaculate volume that is not produced by a reputable pharmaceutical company (and thus of dubious safety and efficacy). The subject of much of the spam you receive and (sensibly) discard.

Hey, check out this spam. The writers claim to be able to cure any illness, but that seems like a stretch when they haven't mastered spelling. Must be hawking trouser snake oil.

by Patrick Graydon September 4, 2007

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Snake Oil Jesus

noun: The person usually relied upon to achieve what amounts to a miracle when given impossible circumstances. This person is often found in a workplace, is underpaid and overworked, and usually ends up going postal. Also referred to as a 'discount miracle worker'.

Boss: "Jimmy, I need you to compile the last 3 years of P&L statements for the board meeting in 30 minutes."
Jimmy: "Right! What do I look like, some Snake Oil Jesus?"
Boss: "I knew I could count on you to come through. See you in 30!"
Jimmy: *sigh*

by Jaq Lemur November 16, 2008

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Snake Oil Salesman

1. A con man
2. A male trying to talk a woman into having intercourse with him. The reference comes from a penis somewhat resembling a snake and from oil being an analog for semen.

The snake oil salesman did not present a very convincing case as he still lived with his parents and the lie he told me when he said, "Oh, they're actually staying with me, so I can take care of them." was transparent as both of them were able bodied and still employed.

by BadAtAcronyms June 7, 2017

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Salvation Snake Oil

Any set of beliefs, particularly extreme Abrahamic faiths (Extreme Christianity, Islam etc), that people buy into as a way of not dealing with their own mortality.

Humans are cognitively vulnerable to believe in such systems, and many so called "religions" take advantage of this. Meaning people end up sacrificing and wasting some or all of their own short time on this earth for a fictional assurance fram an ethereal being they will never meet.

(Knock Knock)
JW Chumps : "Hi, we are Jehovah's Witnesses, would you like to talk about how much God loves you"

Me: "No, I don't need any Salvation Snake Oil"

JW Chumps : "We aren't selling oil sir, we would like to talk about how you can be saved."

Me: "Do you believe in Dinosaurs?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "If your god is so benevolent, why is he promising a crap ending for anyone who doesn't belive in your poorly constructed borrowings of other faiths that have existed for thouasands of years before Charlie came up with this gig?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "How is it that the chosen place for your leaders is in New York City - when the rest of the Abrahamic faiths have their spiritual centres in and around the other side of the world?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "Would you like some Salvation Snake Oil?"

JW Chumps: "Ah thank you sir, have a nice day"

by WTF2011 August 16, 2011

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Covid Snake Oil

Covid Snake Oil is EUA vaccine's that haven't been approved, haven't worked as they promised, and may harm individuals going forward.

Covid Snake Oil (EUA) efficacy has failed miserably "One and Done vaccine" -J&J Didn't happen You need boosters now, and in the future -Pfizer People still getting sick regardless of EUA Snake Oil vaccines. More lies don't make it more effective, but rather create cognitive dissonance.

Snake oil is a term used to describe deceptive marketing, health care fraud, or a scam. Similarly, "snake oil salesman" is a common expression used to describe someone who sells, promotes, or is a general proponent of some valueless or fraudulent cure, remedy, or solution.1 The term comes from the "snake oil" that used to be sold as a cure-all elixir for many kinds of physiological problems. - Wiki

by Bob's Your Daddy January 9, 2022

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Snake Oil-Bama Salesman

(n) a combination of the popular term "snake oil salesman" and Obama.

Refers to a morally-bankrupt and unethical politician who has one agenda, yet publicly pretends to have a polar-opposite agenda just so that he can get re-elected to office, at which time he will implement his true policy which will destroy the lives of those who blindly supported him and lead to the complete destruction of the district; State; or Country in which he resides.

Can you believe all of the lies that he just threw out during his campaign speech? Unless you knew he was full of bullshit, you'd think that he was a great guy with all of those pie-in-the-sky statements. It'd be like Hitler saying that he loved Jews and wanted them to prosper.

"And the worst part is, all those idiots in the audience that just kept on clapping at everything he said. I can't believe what a Snake Oil-Bama Salesman he really is!. Anyone with a brain knows that he hates white people and want's to destroy the United States. He's leading his own people and the welfare whores straight to the ovens."

by mike87111 August 18, 2012

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