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fans of twilight by stephenie meyer

usually (A) lonely girls who think they haven't been understood or (B) normal girls that don't read too often

Jane: hey guys i need a book suggestion
Girl A: well you can read Twilight, a book about swirling emotions and true love that MOST of you IDIOTS dont believe in!!
Girl B: I L0V3 3DW@RD <33333 SUP3R HAWTTT!!!
Jane: what?
Bob: oh those are twitards, get away

by talking space monkeys August 13, 2008

188๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


An obsessive fan of the Twilight book series or movie. Can be anywhere from ages 10-40.

"I wish those Twitards would shut up about that travesty of a book!"

by Suzy Rotten December 26, 2008

398๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


A retard who likes the Twilight books or movies. In other words, anybody that likes the Twilight books or movies.

Lyndsey was such a twitard that she missed her wedding because it was the same day the new twilight movie came out.

by StudMuffin328 June 30, 2010

76๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


TWITARD; -Noun-; T-Why-tar-D's;

Stupid 13-20 year olds who have never read a real piece of literature in their lives; and have a mental delusion that one day a crazy obsessive/pedophile vampire or a possibly homosexual/crazy obsessive werewolf that: DO NOT EXIST will come and turn them into said monster. Can be found expressing their love for the series, and attacking all who disagree, all while screaming "Team Edward!", or "Team Jacob!"

Twitard: Hey did you guys read Twilight, its the best book ever written!

Person: Yes I have, and it was written horribly, you are a twitard.

by popNFreshhatesyou December 4, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Basically a person of this universe that trolls the internet looking for people who dislike the popular book "Twlight". They will bash people who even mildly dislikes it and are usually ignorant to the use of grammar. Despite the book being terrible this person has fallen for the main character, Edward. They use every instance to talk about Twilight and how hott Edward is. It is a most terrible fate to become one. So beware.

Twitard: 0Mg! Ydon u guyzzz lYk Twilght! :OOO its ssooo god!!!11! And eward is teh sex! !!!1!!

Person being insulted: My goodness. I think you need to return to kindergarten.

by Katherine #15 September 11, 2011


The most ungodly creature to roam the Earth. Tiwtards think the best book ever is Twilight (Craplight) because of this they obsess over it. Twitards tend to to stupid things like wear Twilight T-shirts, purses, and basically anything else that can be Twitardified. They also make retarded Flairs on Facebook ( Pieces of Flair, an application.) saying retarded things like "Who needs Dracula when you have Edward Cullen?" (I do) and " Real Men Sparkle" and "Jacob Black: another reason to love dogs". Personally they make me sick. Once I saw a Twitard in an ice cream shop. It was all I could do to not smack her in the face with a lead pipe.

Biggest Twitard:
Stephenie Meyer

Twitards are so Twitarded that they believe someone is a vampire when they fucking sparkle. Vampires don't sparkle.

by twilight sucks ass August 26, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer plus "retard." A person who obsessively enjoys the books or movies of Twilight.

The Twitard at the Movie theater screamed and fainted when she saw the "New Moon" trailer.

by Penelope's stupid name August 17, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž