Source Code

con sarn it

Damn this and the whole of its properties fully to the nethrest regions of hell.

A: Could you perchance inform me of the time? I suspect I am late for an appointment at the nearest liquor store.
B: I regret to inform that the time of day has far surpassed the window of time in which visiting said establishment is probable without the aid of a crowbar. In other words, they just closed.
A: Con sarn it!

by sv-1 June 8, 2007

64πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

con safos

Con Safos is a chicano term that literally means "with respect" and in some translations is meant to deliver the message that any insult sent towards it slips off.

Sometimes used at the end of a letter instead of regards etc...

Con Safos,

by The brown bean!!! You know it!!! March 9, 2005

548πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž

Scented Cons

A dumb game on Roblox made by pedophiles for horny males around the age of 7-47 to fucking teenage girls. These types of games have been called out by CBS. Roblox has been gaining awareness of these types of games so the names are constantly changing it and Roblox is constantly banning words as a result. And you probably figured out that these games always get banned. If you play it for sex you are probably a horny kid who watches porn/hentai.

"Hey girl, want to play Scented Cons?"

by AsianChan69 September 1, 2020

33πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A fictitious Anime Convention conceived by the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom on LiveJournal.

Are you going to Hell-Con?

by JainLikeRain December 8, 2004

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Long Con

(n) The long con refers to the process of simultaneously advertising and gassing up the tik tok account of a hot girl you know in the hopes that one of her videos will go viral. In the ensuing months (if all goes according to plan), said girl will chase the ever-fleeting sensation of fame by dressing and dancing skankier in her β€œtoks,” providing the β€œlong con-artist” a continuous stream for his spank bank.

Jimmy: β€œDude. Why tf do you have 3 fake TikTok accounts commenting β€˜fyp’ and β€˜work it girl’ on every one of Meredith’s posts??”
Brendan: β€œThe long con, my friend. You’ll thank me in June.”

by Licklicklickmyasss May 5, 2020

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a place where comic book fans have fun dress up get some pretty kewl freebies for like 4 days and if you mock comic-con your an idiot who's probably never even been to comic-con

i went to comic-con 2006 dress up as sakura from naruto and got a bunch of free shit and people took my picture

by buttongirl August 14, 2006

192πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

con queso

1) When something extra/ unexpected (usually illicit) is added to a seemingly normal item
2) Can also be used as code for asking someone if an illicit substance is added to a non-illicit substance
3) Phrase for an ordinary activity that was unexpectedly extraordinary

Man, that hookah messed me up last night. Was it con queso?
(asking if weed was added to the hookah tobacco)

Are these girls drinks con queso?
(asking if there is any GHB in the girls drinks)

Was that blow job con queso?
(asking if she swallowed)

Dude, that sex last night with the girl I met was con queso!
(meaning you got anal, the sex was better than expected, etc)

by mylifesconqueso October 11, 2009

55πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž