Source Code

Mech Nazi

A Mech Warrior pilot who mates with his weapon loadout. Also beats his chest masochistically like a gorilla and brings undue glory upon himself. Elite. Better than others. Medal hound.

I didnt know that Ioun considered Qahn a Mech Nazi. Since he doesnt really play with the other children, it is beyond me that he could even think this way. Maybe he should get with Daak and they can go play together.

by Ra SJ1 December 18, 2012

Uber grammar nazi

A person who has nothing better to do than be a word cockwomble, a reichwank of the highest order

The Uber grammar nazi’s are out again , I got moaned at for typing they’re instead of they are

by General butz February 6, 2018

Snow Nazi

Someone who races down a ski mountain without stopping (or knowing how to stop) potentially harming other intelligent skiers (who know how to stop).

Lets wait for those Snow Nazis to go down before us so we dont get hurt!

by EthanatorG January 20, 2010

Nazi Electroshock Therapy

Otherwise known as NET; the act of converting a Nazi and/or Neo-Nazi into a respectable member of modern society.

Had to perform Nazi Electroshock Therapy on Klaus last night; he said some racy stuff about my Jewish banker Clyde.

by FallenDanish October 31, 2017

Nazi punching

The act of being throat gaped by your wife/Girlfriends lover while yodeling.

Often done after her lover has given a Nintendo switch.

Nazi punching


Person one: “has anyone seen Richard?”
Person two: “He is in the hospital, he got a little over excited by his new switch, and dislocated his jaw
Person one: “damn. I wish I had a Nintendo switch

by Notalexjones October 18, 2018

Parking Nazi

Someone usually a Karen who’s sole mission is to judge people’s parking at stores or determine if someone really needs a handicapped space. Or someone complaining a motorcycle or bicycle is parked in the striped area.

I parked in the handicapped parking with my dad and this Parking Nazi said he didn’t need to be there because he can walk.

I rode my motorcycle to Walmart and parked in the loading zone up front and this Parking Nazi Harassed me for parking there

by Dnurse15 May 18, 2023

Badge Nazi

Someone who thinks only German cars are good and hates on cars made by companies of other countries. They judge a car based off the car badge/emblem brand and assume any car badge of any non-German company is bad. They overlook the car itself and only care about the German brand name. Hence the term Nazi because they only like German cars and hate every car that isn't from a German brand.

Person: Ooh look at that Corvette!
Badge Nazi: Who cares, any 4-series is better than that because it ain't from the autobahn.

by tripleu July 16, 2016