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chocolate ninja

1. A somewhat-crazed female who takes to hanging around ceilings and yelling, "PANTS!" and other such nonsense at random intervals. Loves sugary things.
2. Someone who steals other peoples' chocolate bars.

1. Start making sense, you damn chocolate ninja!
2. Damn it, a chocolate ninja just stole my candy bar!

by Chocolate Ninja September 30, 2004

13πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

swamp ninja

It is an ugly and/or fat person of asian decent (male or female) which prowls at bars and clubs waiting to β€œprey (sexually assault)” on unsuspecting drunks with beer goggles. Is related to swamp donkey with a racial connotation.

Dude we have to go get Dave that SWAMP NINJA is trying to take him back to her place.

by throwing star February 20, 2008

74πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž

Ninja style

a quick shag

by anx June 6, 2003

14πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Field Ninja

Field Ninja - Typically refers to a Field worker in Nor-Cal & Cen-Cal. Due to how much clothing and head wraping gear they have on.

Look at them Field Ninja's workin the Field.

by CenCalNorCal October 25, 2006

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Bike Ninja

Bike Ninjas are people who wear all black, and and become very ninja-looking when wearing a face mask / balaclava in cold weather. The all black also adds to their "invisibility" while riding at night (which can be dangerous). Bike Ninjas are often urban dwellers, ride fixed-gear or single-speed bikes, and are usually "hipsters" of some sort (hence the all black clothes).

"Some bikers wear all spandex, and others wear all black and look like Bike Ninjas."

by lone sentry January 8, 2012

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Dirt Ninja

–noun, plural. dirt ninja or dirt ninjas.
a member of a Native American tribe or society, skilled in martial arts and stealth, who uses primitive weapons to ambush trespassers.

I never saw that dirt ninja coming, shouldn't he be running a casino somewhere?

by Onigato July 6, 2010

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Facebook Ninja

Main Entry: 1ninja(Past ninja-ed, Present ninja-ing, 3rd person present singular ninja-s)
Pronunciation: nin’ja
Function: Verb
Etymology: Sino-Japanese reading of Shinobi, meaning to steal away.

1 : To lurk in the shadows of facebook, stealthily accessing embarrassing notes and wall posts.
2 : A less creepy way of saying stalk or lurk.

The dawn of the 21st century saw the emergence of one of the creepiest inventions known to man; Social networking. So creepy, in fact, that on a top 10 list of Creepiest Things in the World, it would probably sit steadfast in number 3. Behind Japanese adult toys and giant pillows with naked anime characters on them.

Sam: What are you up to?
John: Oh, nothing, just ninjaing on facebook.
Sam: Damn I should have known you are the Facebook Ninja!

by lolonmywall.com February 6, 2010

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