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transcendent beauty

An exceedingly rare quality, possessed by very few women, illuminated from within. Most of the world's celebrated beauties do not have it and cannot acquire it, as shown by their age-driven pursuit of cosmetic surgery, and the tragically self-erasing results. For a woman so blessed, it is simply a gift, immune to the passage of time.

She appeared to be ageless, radiant with transcendent beauty. Wherever they found themselves, she was the most beautiful woman in the room, not by degree but entirely in a class of her own. Strangers, both men and women, stared, sometimes approaching to comment. It was more than her exquisite proportions and facial symmetry. Paired with those things, it came from an inner quality of goodness. The man beside her was sometimes told that he was transcendentally lucky, which he knew to be true.

by Monkey's Dad December 5, 2023

It’s A Beautiful Sunday

To be a young adult getting head daily over a chicken wing (nandos)

On a specific day of the week I’m sure u can guess (Sunday)

Just got head and fingered her it’s a beautiful Sunday

by XZtenhagZX (epic sniper) February 24, 2023

gem beauty

An above average human

How you are such a gem beauty for scoring the game winning goal

by Notlindsayagnew February 18, 2016

selective beauty

the beauty of which only certain people see.....

She is called ugly,but has selective beauty

by xx_haxor flywheel matser race_ March 4, 2017

And when your beautiful...


And when your beautiful...its a beautfiul freaking dayyyyyyyyyy!

by hahahhahnotme October 2, 2023

My beautiful Isabel

Her namesIsabel which means beautiful and there’s nothing more beautiful in the world than her. Her eyes shine so bright and they’re dreamier than anything. She’s my shining star my angel and shines brighter than anything She’s a gift from god that I’ll never lose she’s heaven my heaven. She’s so sweet she’s irresistible I jisy wanna cuddle w her all the time and I can’t get her off my mind. She’s always there for me through thick and thin I’ll be too. I promise to her that imma be w her till time ends. I need her she’s my rose that’ll never ever fade she has no thorns and is perfrct and perfrct for me. When she smiles at me the World is right and when she holds my hand i get so many butterflies her sweet little soft hand that I wanna kiss and make her feel like a priceless princess cause that what she is she’s my beautiful princess no one else’s and I need her now and forever. When she gave me the first hug my heart jisy melted and my heart is gonna be all urs forever and ever. People don’t understand when I tell my friends how beautiful she is they don’t even know she’s just indescribable. And she’s as beautiful on the inside as the out and I wanna take her all over the world I promise I’ll be romantic for her and be her gentleman and make her so happy and safe and special cause she’s the love of my life. I’ve had the most amazing year all cause of her. Well take this places and I mean it baby I’ll never lose u and I’ll make U my queen❤️I love you🌹

My beautiful Isabel is my soulmate.

by Baby u know October 21, 2020

The Sleeping Beauty

The process of putting both nuts on a girls face, the right ball on the right eye and the left ball on the left eye, during sexual intercourse, causing said biddy to not see a thing but ur wrinkly ballsack. For the position to work properly, the girl must lick the man’s anus whilst he masturbates, causing him to eventually bust a fat load.

“Bro, shawty really a freak.”


“Hell yea bro! I even hit her with the sleeping beauty. A nigga really busted in her hair, shit was a movie my guy”

by Young Coochie Bandit April 29, 2019